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Savvy Aluminum TJ gas tank skid pics and comparisons


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  • #31
    So when are the rest of the skid plates do out? (transfer & engine)

    Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


    • #32
      Originally posted by curtis View Post
      So when are the rest of the skid plates do out? (transfer & engine)
      Do you have the tank skid?
      I am Savvy.


      • #33
        Originally posted by mrblaine View Post
        Do you have the tank skid?
        As soon as I can find the "Buy It Now" button


        • #34
          Originally posted by Black & Tan TJ View Post
          As soon as I can find the "Buy It Now" button
          That's Gerald's department. Get after him.
          I am Savvy.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Dukes69 View Post
            I will never take part in a pointless experiment. I will do this test only if you let me first place a 5 pound rock on your foot (to simulate your "test"), then to simulate my test I will throw that same rock at your foot as hard as I can. Deal?

            Here's my pics:

            Messed up cover trying to get to the skid:

            "Damage" after beating the skid on purpose, this included backing the Jeep into rocks with speed! Notice the dents in the 3/16" steel diff cover in the pic above:

            Thanks for the input. Looks like a worth while investment (hard too come by these days).

            FWIW: I'm buying one of these, but I'll paint it black.

            Cheers, B&T TJ


            • #36
              Originally posted by Black & Tan TJ View Post
              Thanks for the input. Looks like a worth while investment (hard too come by these days).

              FWIW: I'm buying one of these, but I'll paint it black.

              Cheers, B&T TJ
              When you paint it, you should look into a zinc chromate primer. I typically use the stuff from a marine store for the aluminum housings on outboard motors for boats.
              I am Savvy.


              • #37
                Originally posted by mrblaine View Post
                When you paint it, you should look into a zinc chromate primer. I typically use the stuff from a marine store for the aluminum housings on outboard motors for boats.
                Excellent. Thanks for the tip.



                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dukes69 View Post
                  Trail test was yesterday. I'll post some pics up in a little bit. We ran John Bull and had to resort to backing the jeep into stuff to scratch it. We had a really hard time hitting the skid. I ended up peeling back the rear diff cover trying to take some stupid lines in order to hit the thing.

                  I know alot of people are worried about the Aluminum holding up to the abuse, but it just does. And even if you manage to wear it down to a nub, you just call them up and they'll send you another one. That's some good piece of mind.
                  Chris, I find it really amazing nobody has pointed out the fact that you can't drive. I doubt there was any *intentional* picking of stupid lines or backing up for any reason other than being stuck... :devil:

                  I wish I didn't have that *other leading brand* skid, I'd definitely buy this one, but I'm not going to throw my other one away. It's holding up beautifully it just weighs a ton.
                  If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                  Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
                    It's holding up beautifully it just weighs a ton.
                    Most things that weigh a ton, do hold up fine.
                    I am Savvy.


                    • #40
                      Matt, you could have 35 extra pounds of crap in the back of your jeep and perform just as it is now.
                      sell the heavy clunker, and lose some weight in your rig.
                      i sure wish there was one that worked for my application at this price and was 35# lighter. i'd be ALL over it.

                      i have been picking through my tool bags and parts bags losing ounces. there is no doubt i'd jump all over a 35# weight drop for 250~ bucks.

                      how much for a custom job, Blaine?

                      95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by NAILER341 View Post

                        how much for a custom job, Blaine?
                        We have a special price for you.
                        I am Savvy.


                        • #42
                          For we, the intellectually challenged... es' plain dis to me.


                          I know the ole YJ is pretty damn heavy in itself...but please es'plain why cutting pounds is considered SO important.

                          I understand (limited) why having a low center of gravity is important...hell Chuck has demonstrated this me several times.

                          It would SEEM, by that reasoning, that having a skid plate with some heft to it would be low on the vehicle and provide a lower center of gravity.

                          Tell my why I must have this product. Please include diagrams and technical drawings. A few flow charts and bar graphs may help also. Chris, no Crayons please.[/COLOR]
                          [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                          Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post

                            I know the ole YJ is pretty damn heavy in itself...but please es'plain why cutting pounds is considered SO important.

                            I understand (limited) why having a low center of gravity is important...hell Chuck has demonstrated this me several times.

                            It would SEEM, by that reasoning, that having a skid plate with some heft to it would be low on the vehicle and provide a lower center of gravity.

                            Tell my why I must have this product. Please include diagrams and technical drawings. A few flow charts and bar graphs may help also. Chris, no Crayons please.[/COLOR]
                            You have to define the level of performance you're trying to get out of your rig. At the point in time when you're trying to extract every last bit, then the weight starts to matter.

                            You should have Erik take you for two rides in his rig, one with all his crap loaded and one without. The difference is amazing.

                            Also, the heavier your rig is, the higher the stresses are that get placed on all the components responsible for getting you over the rocks. It's harder on shafts, gears, u-joints, driveshafts, transmissions, brakes, and anything else that's dealing with torque.

                            So, when it matters, you start with a systemic approach to lightening the load. If you can knock off 30-35 lbs just by using a different gas tank skid, that's significant. Follow the same philophy through-out and you're talking some serious weight.

                            This concept will be more difficult for those that are still in the lower levels of trail accomplishment where outright performance is just not as big of an issue. As your experience level rises, so does your desire for your rig to keep up.
                            I am Savvy.


                            • #44
                              Where can we find the written warranty info I cant find it on the savvy website.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Jeeperator View Post
                                Where can we find the written warranty info I cant find it on the savvy website.
                                I don't know where it's at, Gerald does that part, but our mantra of "if you tear it up, we'll send you another at no cost to you" has been posted publicly on at least 4 Jeep boards that I'm aware of. I'm pretty sure that trying to deny a legitimate warranty claim would not be a Public Relations nightmare we would care to endure.

                                It's far smarter, better for the customer, and much simpler to just send out a new skid or what ever is needed to make you whole again with regard to a failed product.

                                What would you like the warranty to say?
                                I am Savvy.

