Waddya think, 1/4" thick enough, or should I go with 3/8? It won't be too hard to add some ribs across the back to stiffen it up, but the front won't have much room there.
How about t'case mounts. Since I am pushing the pan up as high as I can, I won't have room to use the OE mount. I know how I am getting around the obvious problem, but what kind of material to use to isolate the drivetrain vibrations from the pan? What won't wear out (soft rubber), be so stiff that it may as well be a steel mount (poly), wont break the bank, and is readily available to the public?
How about t'case mounts. Since I am pushing the pan up as high as I can, I won't have room to use the OE mount. I know how I am getting around the obvious problem, but what kind of material to use to isolate the drivetrain vibrations from the pan? What won't wear out (soft rubber), be so stiff that it may as well be a steel mount (poly), wont break the bank, and is readily available to the public?