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You better hope, you do not become a Hammer junkie lol, is kinda hard on Jeeps and knocks the pretty of them in a hurry
My goal is to be a Hammer junkie. The more trail badges it gets the prettier it is. My next up grades will be chromo axle shafts and lower axle gears. Performance over beauty, every time. A used trail rig is the prettiest of them all.
Started messing with a few things today. First called king and discusses what to do to get the Jeep to sit 2" higher, so will swap some springs later this week. Then started messing with the rear crossmember and cut this piece for it, needs a bit more trimming and that can be welded in.
Looks like I might end up with a Chevy astro van to part out, if that comes about then the Jeep will most likely sport a 4.3 V6 and a 4L60E before the summer is out. We will see where it goes. Yesterday swapped some of the springs around, now the back sits where I want it and will have to visit King Shocks on Monday for some beefier springs for the front.
This weekend , it's time to finish bracing the rear crossmember and get a handle on the steering
Tackled the steering and diff cover today, took a bit of work but, the steering gear is rebuilt and working the way it should.
Straightened the tierod, that thing started to look like a pretzel, had 4 different bends in it from the last round of trail fun. Didn't hurt the auxiliary ram any though. I guess this summer I'll get around to giving the Jeep a true high steer setup or something close to that.
Swapped the leaking diff cover and fixed the a few fuel vapor lines that had a small leak according to the OBD 2 system.
All that is left is a bit of welding tomorrow and sticking the belly skid back on and she is good for another round of hammering
Glad to say that my welding project turned out good, no more flexing of the crossmember where the lower rear control arms attach too.
The bolts on the slid plate that kept working loose are staying nice and tight now. Also really appreciate the benefit of a working powersteering makes wheeling and steering in the rocks so much easier lol