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That's perfect Chuck! The Word "Dana" on the t-case is upside down, but with you driving we'll see it right side up soon enough. No wait, I forgot, this build is to prevent that. Dopey me... sorry
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Well I’m finally making some good progress. Transfer case is done and in, motor is set and in….and I don’t think I need to worry about clearance on the frame any more. I cut the frame just behind the motor mounts and fab’d up a new front end.
Transfer Case. Front and rear 32 spline outputs, 4:1, and twin stick cable shifter.
¾” clearance to the transmission case.
New frame piece designed.
Pieces cut.
New front installed. I have tons of clearance. I could easily fit a 16” shock.
Still need to add fish plate but it’s in and I like the look.
Looking sweet Chuck, cutting the front and raising it up seems to be the way to go. Have been contemplating just that for my other TJ. Where did you get the truss for the front axle from?
Looking sweet Chuck, cutting the front and raising it up seems to be the way to go. Have been contemplating just that for my other TJ. Where did you get the truss for the front axle from?
Thanks Art. I could have notch the frame but I would have only gained 4" and I'm trying for 6" of clearance every were. You never know what the future holds. The truss is Ballistic Fab. Most of my stuff is from them.
Hey Chuck, don't jinx me please. If I have to cut my frontend off like you did I'm comin for you... So what does all that do for your timeline? I know you had four days off last weekend; and have a three day weekend this coming weekend. I'll have the rear of mine ready to put wieght on by next Sunday. Think you'll be doing that soon? Looks real good amigo, can't wait to get out on the break in runs.
Hey Chuck, don't jinx me please. If I have to cut my frontend off like you did I'm comin for you... So what does all that do for your timeline? I know you had four days off last weekend; and have a three day weekend this coming weekend. I'll have the rear of mine ready to put wieght on by next Sunday. Think you'll be doing that soon? Looks real good amigo, can't wait to get out on the break in runs.
I have 4 days off this weekend. 2 more to go. I will have the transfer case mount in tomorrow and hope to have the rear upper frame link mount in as well. I hope to have the rear pretty much done by Tuesday night. That's the goal but things usually change. I'm still shooting for end of Febuary. Need to get a few runs in before March.
Got the transfer case mount finished and in. I also got the rear upper link mounts and plating for the frame cut and should be putting them in tomorrow. If all goes well the rear will be mocked up tomorrow.
I used 2"x2"x1/4" A-500 square tubing and plated the cut with 1/4" A-32. Welded it to frame with 3/16" plate. Should be strong enough.
Didn't quite get the rear fully mocked up today. My original plan was to have about 6" of horizonal seperation for the lower frame mounts. Due to driveshaft clearance I had to spread it out a bit and fab new brackets. Everything worked out though. I was able to get the LCA 36" and did not have to move the rear axle. This is good since the fronts will be 36" as well and I will only need one spare.
I took a lower frame mount and modified it to fit around 2"x2"x1/4 square tube. The one on the left is before I cut it.
Lowers mocked up...finally
[COLOR=black]As it sits I have 7" of up travel available before it hits the rear frame. Great news. So far don't have to redo the rear like I did the [/COLOR]front.
Nice! I had to change my crossmember design cuz of the damn exhaust. Where is your exhaust going to run?
I will be running a cat from a Honda which is a lot smaller then the stock S-10 one. It's 4" in diameter and I have a 5" space between the trans pan and the frame on the passenger side. For the muffler :dunno: I'm thinking about one of the small round ones like Flowmaster.