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Parts list:
WJ knuckles
WJ calipers
extended brake lines
CJ rotors for 5.5 bolt pattern or WJ rotors drilled for both bolt patterns {for future hub conversion upgrade}
.25 spacer welded to knuckle
TJ shafts
new ball joints {while you have it apart}
WJ tie rod and tre's and draglink
I am fairly sure that the currie steering will not work
00 TJ ON 37'S SOLD
97zj ON 36'S SOLD
anyways... Chris_L hit the nail on the head as far as parts needed. For my application (XJ) I also had to get TJ hub/bearings, as the XJ ones wouldn't work correctly. But Brian already has those
ORGS Mfg. makes the .25" spacer that needs welded to the WJ knuckles to line everything up correctly.
I was able to get by without using WJ steering. If I make a hard left turn, the pass. side knuckle contacts the steering stabilizer mount, but that's the only adverse effect i've noticed. To use WJ steering, you'll also have to relocate the sway bar mounts and steering stabilizer mounts.
For best effect, go ahead and install a WJ booster and master cylinder. You don't still want ABS, do you? I'm not sure if the WJ booster/master will cooperate with the TJ ABS equipment.
I got most of my parts from car-part.com for some great prices ($90 for both knuckles, for example) The rest of the parts, Chris_L wanted out of his garage