Hi, my name is Dennis And I live In California City. I got my 04 X last April and have been loving it ever since. I got stationed at Edwards Air Force Base last after being at Vandenberg A.F.B. at Lompoc for 13 years. So I am wondering if I might know IVasty from the last thread since she is from Lompoc. When I moved here life sucked , I was surrounded by mountains that I wanted to explore but I was driving a ford Taurus. I wanted to go back to Lompoc so bad. I was actually taking the taurus to the dealership for some warranty work when I passed the Jeep dealership and saw all the new Rubicons. I had to stop and drool over them. I owed way more than the taurus was worth but the dealership hid the extra money somewhere and got me financed. Three hours later i was driving away a very happy man. Unfortunatly not with a Rubicon, because of my extra money owed on the taurus the paymenton a Rubicon would have been over $900. The Air Force Does not pay me that much! Now I love living out in the middle of the desert and I don't want to leave. I have mountains within an hours drive almost all the way around me. I tried catching the group that went to calico this last weekend. I stopped by the trailhead on my way to Vegas(won $700 on slots) but they were already up the trail. I still need a couple more things before I am hardcore trail ready so I didnt go up and try to find them. Had a nice BS session with the Jeepers with the RV at the trail head. well I better close this novel out before everyone falls asleep. Plan on seeing me on some of the runs like last chance canyon, randsburg, and Calico. Here are some pics .

more pics at http://photobucket.com/albums/v678/deamersjeep/

more pics at http://photobucket.com/albums/v678/deamersjeep/