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I was stationed in Nofuk Vagina for a while back in the 80's. Welcome to MJR. Where do you wheel at out there now? I bet most of the places I wheeled are covered in houses now.
I was stationed in Nofuk Vagina for a while back in the 80's. Welcome to MJR. Where do you wheel at out there now? I bet most of the places I wheeled are covered in houses now.
There's nowhere to wheel in Norfolk anymore except Tim Road behind Charlies truck stop, but that spot is good for getting in trouble. The amphitheater, Oceana, Bird Neck, etc are still around, but also trespassing...
I wheel in Pungo and Tinsley, both private land invite only, and I have wheeled Rausch Creek, and Crozet. I hope to hit up Harlan and URE in 2013 now that I have a trailer and tow rig.