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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Hey Hole, Welcome to MJR! This is the finest Jeepin' forum on the planet. Oh and BTW, once we get to know you, I'll bet we'll be very creative with your screen name! :dunno:
SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
MJR moderator
MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
Jeep Patrol Leader
Reforestation Supervisor
Licensed Ham - n6ujm
Eagle Scout
Hey Hole, Welcome to MJR! This is the finest Jeepin' forum on the planet. Oh and BTW, once we get to know you, I'll bet we'll be very creative with your screen name! :dunno:
Well Roger, my wife and some of the people I work around just put an A in front of it most of the time.