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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
I have been an inactive member for a while!! Got busy with work and life, did some wheeling with CI4X4 and hope to join on some upcoming runs with MJR!!! This forum and its members have been a big help in the past! Glad its still goin strong!!!
Todd, great wheeling with you this weekend in Truck Haven! You MUST post pics and video of the sand storm. It was sooo bad none of us could even fathom grabbing our phone/cameras to take pictures without the risk of being blown off that ridge. Jonah's tow rig literally got sand blasted and has all sorts of chips and dings in the paint and the glass :/ my eyes are still dry and scratchy today!!!
it got worse!!!! my T-case blew up doin 65mph thru Riverside!!!! Front shaft backed right into it and and pretty much split it in half I've got to tear it apart tomorrow and assess.....i see a number of months downtime and decisions to make going forward. It was great meeting and wheeling with you guys!!
it got worse!!!! my T-case blew up doin 65mph thru Riverside!!!! Front shaft backed right into it and and pretty much split it in half I've got to tear it apart tomorrow and assess.....i see a number of months downtime and decisions to make going forward. It was great meeting and wheeling with you guys!!
Looks like the front driveshaft CV joint failed, is not uncommon and yes it will break the T case in half, a friend of mine had it rip out the fuel lines as well as a good chunk of wiring harness they darn near totaled his Rubi over that