For all of those who knew me from several years of off-roading, and who may (or may not) be wondering if I've dropped off the face of the earth...the answer is NO. 
However, I have not had the TJ in the dirt for the better part of 3 years. Since then, I have changed jobs, gotten married, involved myself with professional licensing tests which I am in the middle of right now, and pretty much put focus on the Jeep aside and haven't finished fixing suspension issues or rebuilding skid plates to get myself back out there.
Just wanted to stop in and say hello to all of my old friends on here and let you know that seeing me on the trails sometime next year is a possibility. Sorry for all whom I have lost touch with, hopefully we will meet or be back in contact soon!
Cheers and all the best, MADDMIKE

However, I have not had the TJ in the dirt for the better part of 3 years. Since then, I have changed jobs, gotten married, involved myself with professional licensing tests which I am in the middle of right now, and pretty much put focus on the Jeep aside and haven't finished fixing suspension issues or rebuilding skid plates to get myself back out there.
Just wanted to stop in and say hello to all of my old friends on here and let you know that seeing me on the trails sometime next year is a possibility. Sorry for all whom I have lost touch with, hopefully we will meet or be back in contact soon!
Cheers and all the best, MADDMIKE