Hello everyone im new to this site and just wanted to introduce myself. i found this site through a member on here that i met at the chevron off the I-15 and the 138. He was a cool dude with a sweet rig. i just don't remember his name but if i saw his jeep i would be able to point him out. He had a white jeep on and was probably sitting on bigger than 35's if i can remember correctly and had a sweet stinger. if anyone knows who im talking about and could tell me i would appreciate it to take another look at his rig. My jeep is pretty much stock but i still wheel it as often as i can. For the most part i like to run Cleghorn and Bee Canyon in the snow and occasionally i will go explore a little but i try not to because i usually go alone since i dont have people to wheel with. My jeep will rock one day hopefully this summer i will be able to start prepping my rig for 35's. here are some pics how she sits now...
