Just a note to say Hi. I'm living in Christchurch New Zealand (think Lord of the Rings country). Picked up my Wrangler Renegade on Friday so have only had one day so far off road. Don't let the wheel arches fool you this is a Renegade specd vehicle- we just do things a little different in New Zealand. My Jeep owning journey started due to fellow MJR members, Mike and Sharon with thier Mr Green beast. We visited them in February and had a great day playing in the hills behind Calico. I was blown away with the capabilities of the Jeep. My previous vehicle (Subaru WRX five door) was getting up in the mileage so it was time for a change. I love the look and features of the Unlimited Wrangler and with Chrysler offering some pretty good deals and finance at the moment everything fell into place. I'm looking forward to learning more about Jeeps and four wheel driving so will be lurking around this forum from here on inn
