Hi everyone, new member referred to your awesome site by Kodiak Spirit. No ride yet, lookin for a stock YJ, probably 93-95 would appreciate any leads. thanks
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New member, looking for a jeep
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How about that! Another High Desert member! Hey welcome to MJR. May I suggest you read up on the different forums here on MJR BEFORE buying a Jeep? There's lots of stuff on the various models/years and the more you know, the better buy you will make!
I wouldn't trust Jesse if I were you, he has square headlights I think! No, or is it a station wagon...(he made me spray a mouth full of coffee all over my computer)
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David, Welcome to MJR!
Listen to Jesse, IT IS HIP to be Square! [ ]111[ ]
There are lots of members here in the High Desert as well as a lot of YJ's. You should be able to find a Jeep without any problem. I'll keep an eye out.
Mitch 88YJ Hesperia
Hey, and Welcome! I know a girl at work that has a YJ (Red, I think it's an '87 to '89) for sale, it needs some work and she can't get it to pass the smog evap test but, I'm sure that can be fixed! I'm not sure if it's lifted or not but, It runs and looks pretty good, I think she only want's 2K for it! Hit me up if your interested!
Scott, '93 YJ"I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:
Originally posted by AVJEEP View PostI'm hoping to spend around 5k
There are definitely benefits to a TJ over a YJ...but I dont know if its worth the extra dough...although, Erik did just spend a fortune converting his YJ to coils
Tam2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
Rock-ItMan all the way around
Originally posted by JeepGal View PostI think Chris is asking $7k which is a pretty good deal for a TJ.
There are definitely benefits to a TJ over a YJ...but I dont know if its worth the extra dough...although, Erik did just spend a fortune converting his YJ to coils
Y'know guys, I spent some time talkin' AVJEEP into the square headlights idea, you guys don't need to ruin it for me... um, HIM!
I understand the TJ has quite a following, but the lift kits are expensive and complicated... there is the whole 'Death Wobble' thing that YJ's really don't need to deal with... the A/C air sys vaccume tube thing, bad relays and switches that get too hot, the airbags, the need for a steering box slider...
TJ's are complicated!
the YJ's are the workhorses of the Wrangler world... the TJ's are the spoiled lil' sister ... or in DJ's case the spoiled big sister...
I mean dome lights? third rear brakelight? auto shifter on the floor? gascap on the SIDE?? even the funny bugle lookin' airbox intake is on the wrong side... and where is the jack? hello? behind the seat under all yer camping stuff!! besides the whole 'round things roll' thing.... :devil::gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
Hey Hey Hey Jesse...I'm a TJ guy and I have hardly any of those luxuries you talk about...
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View PostI mean dome lights?
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postthird rear brakelight?
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postauto shifter on the floor?
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postgascap on the SIDE?
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Posteven the funny bugle lookin' airbox intake is on the wrong side...
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postand where is the jack? hello? behind the seat under all yer camping stuff!!(I know you're talking about stock jack, but I have to give you grief).
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postbesides the whole 'round things roll' thing.... :devil:
:devil:If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul