Hello everybody, I just found this site and think it's great. I'll start off by telling you a little about myself. I'm from Nebraska, don't hold it against me.(any other NE folks PM me, I need wheeling buddies) I'm also a staunch Republican as you can probably tell, I would like to run for office when I grow up.
(I'm only 27) This is my second Jeep, my first was a 94 red YJ 4 banger, I got it stuck in some water and was forced to leave it overnight. Well the snow melted overnight and when I came the next morning it was hood deep. I threw a rod shortly after that and replaced the motor, it never ran the same so I traded it for a Camaro. While the Camaro was fun, I had already been biten by the Jeep bug so less than a year later I traded it for my current TJ. I couldn't be happier, I made sure to get the 6 cylinder this time but didn't get the D44.
I'm single but live with my girlfriend, I tried to talk her into getting a Jeep too but she wanted a Saturn SC-2 so thats what she got. Well, thats pretty much my background, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. Here are some pictures. This is my TJ.
This is my YJ sunk. If you look close you can barely make out the black top.
And finally, this is my Camaro.
