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I will be there for sure! I'll have myself and another Marine with a couple 6' prybars ready to work for a day. Were going to camp on the lake bed the night before and meet you in the morning though. REALLY looking forward to this!!
I will be there for sure! I'll have myself and another Marine with a couple 6' prybars ready to work for a day. Were going to camp on the lake bed the night before and meet you in the morning though. REALLY looking forward to this!!
Are you tent camping or towing a trailer? I may camp too. Still not positive I'll be there... If I make it, mind if I join your camp?
Best, Max7
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin
Are you tent camping or towing a trailer? I may camp too. Still not positive I'll be there... If I make it, mind if I join your camp?
Best, Max7
We're just going to rough it (Gortex bivie sacks on the ground). You are more than welcome to come join us, but it will be a fairly Spartan campsite. There will be plenty of cold beer/MRE's/sea stories/guitar playin around the camp fire though. :thumbs_up
We're just going to rough it (Gortex bivie sacks on the ground). You are more than welcome to come join us, but it will be a fairly Spartan campsite. There will be plenty of cold beer/MRE's/sea stories/guitar playin around the camp fire though. :thumbs_up
Sounds great! Thanks
Does any one have a report on the smoke conditions out in JV? It is pretty bad here at the house in Apple Valley County. Usually I can see the Hiway 15 from my back porch which is aprox 12-15 miles away.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin
I called the Castle Inn Bar in Landers to ask about the air quality out that way. They said it was pretty bad there, real smokey. Here's a map of where the Castle Inn bar is located marked "A" in relation to Landers the Hammers are a few miles north west. Hope the wind clears the smoke by Saturday?
I called the Castle Inn Bar in Landers to ask about the air quality out that way. They said it was pretty bad there, real smokey. Here's a map of where the Castle Inn bar is located marked "A" in relation to Landers the Hammers are a few miles north west. Hope the wind clears the smoke by Saturday?
Not all of it was "mild" But defiantly a fun trail.
The beginning was a little challanging (3rd pic). The first two pictures are the end and there was a bypass.
Bummer, If I wasn't going to the Poker Run I would defiantly be there to help.
Hell I thought it was a fun trail,... by the way....good pictures
please post some pics and vids. I think ill be going out there for Turkey weekend and might give this trail a try
[COLOR="Sienna"]97 TJ, 4.0 5spd, 3.5" Rock Krawler 5 inch stretch long arm, 30/44 locked with 48s, 35 inch MTRs, Warn 9k rock track 4:1, Vanco Big Brake Kit![/COLOR]