The Victor Valley 4 Wheelers are building a new Hammer trail. We are having a work day on 10/28 to work on this trail. The more bodies and help we have the better! We are meeting at the Green Burrito on the corner of Bear Valley Road and Kiowa - 7:00 am. Chuck Shaner is the club historian and builder of all the Hammer trails. He is head of the work day. Sooo...if you would to be able to say you helped build the new Hammer trail, come join us!!
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New Hammer Trail
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sorry to go ot on this....
What are the "easier" trails out there? I was out there once and I ran Tack hammer, or at least that is what they called it and it was short and moderate/difficult to me but fun for sure. While I understand that JV is considered a hard-core, tough trail area, are there any truely "Moderate" trails there? Oh and Moderate as it would compare to stuff in Big Bear for example, not compared to the hardest, buggy trails out there.
I guess what I am looking for out there is a 31-32" tire, one posi or locker type trail with NO chance of body damage. (This is more for friends of mine, not me...yeah...thats the ticket)
Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Postaround back there is a trail called fisher Mtn and that trail is real mild.But defiantly a fun trail.
The beginning was a little challanging (3rd pic). The first two pictures are the end and there was a bypass.
Bummer, If I wasn't going to the Poker Run I would defiantly be there to help.Check out .
This is Mike Wickham, builder of the last 5 trails in Johnson Valley's Hartwell Hills which I call Hardcore Heaven. This trail will be very tough. It's a winch trail, in fact a couple weeks ago, we had to winch to get back down the trail! We can't take just anyone to work on this trail, you have to be in very good physical condition. We have to move large rocks weighing hundreds sometimes thousands of pounds. Sometimes we use a winch, sometimes we don't. We need some guys with a strong back and not afraid to use it! Bring a lunch.
Originally posted by caljeep View PostThis is Mike Wickham, builder of the last 5 trails in Johnson Valley's Hartwell Hills which I call Hardcore Heaven. This trail will be very tough. It's a winch trail, in fact a couple weeks ago, we had to winch to get back down the trail! We can't take just anyone to work on this trail, you have to be in very good physical condition. We have to move large rocks weighing hundreds sometimes thousands of pounds. Sometimes we use a winch, sometimes we don't. We need some guys with a strong back and not afraid to use it! Bring a lunch.
I know the area is known for hard trails but how about spreading the wealth and creating some more moderate trails so when there are large events out there the wimps like me can go and have fun too?? Please? Oh WTH, I'll just come out and watch...
Also, how do you go about getting approval (?) to create a "NEW" trail out there?
Originally posted by caljeep View PostThis is Mike Wickham, builder of the last 5 trails in Johnson Valley's Hartwell Hills which I call Hardcore Heaven. This trail will be very tough. It's a winch trail, in fact a couple weeks ago, we had to winch to get back down the trail! We can't take just anyone to work on this trail, you have to be in very good physical condition. We have to move large rocks weighing hundreds sometimes thousands of pounds. Sometimes we use a winch, sometimes we don't. We need some guys with a strong back and not afraid to use it! Bring a lunch.[COLOR=#ff8c00]MYJEEP(crawls)ROCKS(again).com
I have finally stopped drinking for good.
Now I drink for evil..... :devil:[/COLOR]
Gonna try and make it!
I'd like to come to help hef rocks around this sounds like a lot of fun! If i'm not working I will be there!
Best, Max7"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin
Will this be the only day this trail is being built? I want to come out and help but am already committed to a run up Rattlesnake. How long are you planning on being out there Sunday? Maybe I can come over after the Rattlesnake thing.
If there are other days scheduled please post them, I'll be there.
Kurt[CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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it looks like the SBNF is closed, so maybe I'll be heading to JV to help with the trail build after all. If I can make it, I'll have likely impliments of construction with me (Texas tooth pick, straps, hooks).
Rat[CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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