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Fisher mtn sounds good for me,thats if i can make it.Its hard to get a truck&toyhauler out there and a jeep!
Hey Gary...FYI, I have pasted the requirements below for Fisher Mountain. You will either need to get a locker or bigger tires to go on this trail. Also, you will want skid plates since you want to keep your Jeep all "pretty".
Fisher Mtn. For those that are not ready for the hammers or want to go on a easier run. Most vehicles can do it with a moderate lift ,under armor, 32s and a rear locker or 35s with out locker if you dare. The beginning of the trail is a 3+ for about 1 mile than it gets easier and sightseeing over all the valleys in the area. we also cross the landers fault line and can see it in both directions. near the end of the trail you can split the group up for the more equipped vehicles to make a run at the original jackhammer its a 3+ with a 45 degree climb down the side of the mountain only the better equipped vehicles
will be allowed to do this part of the run
Is this the trail that we took last year Matt? If so, I think I might bring 'Hector' out there and give it a try. At the worst, I could break something, and wait until ya'll finish to come back and drag me off the mountain.
Yep, same trial and I will be running it again this year.
Yeah... I've been waiting for this opportunity for several years, Niki and I are in!
Anyone know someone to rent a small 16 ft enclosed ball hitch camper trailer for the "Fun In The Desert" weekend at a fair price? It doesn't have to be new and we would have to tow it with the Rubicon or Ranger, so it would have to be small. I would consider buying a REAL old one for cheap.
PM me about the trailer... don't want to hijack!
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin
[QUOTE=Desert Jewel;80833]Fun In The Desert is going to be one of the best events this year! We will be having one of the biggest raffles ever and will have vendor displays. Newly appointed committee has received 3 winches and 5 more on the way! The raffle list is growing and growing! Sounds like we will be having well over 250 rigs with multi-scheduled runs (more advanced rigs will go first so everyone can get thru the trails in a timely manner).
Apparently the vendors did not follow thru and we will be having our normal sized raffle with 1, maybe 2 winches. Also, it seems that we will be having a normal showing of rigs as we are receiving normal amounts of registrations. Sooo, please register and come out to join us for a great event!!