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Originally posted by rmagoo Hello all, I really enjoyed the day, I want to thank especially
Rick and Chris for welding me up safely. The jeep ran fine last night and im at the shop now, the weld looks fine. Ill add the gussets and call it quits. Thank you Sarah and Tammy for getting dinner. Tom and Sandy it was really nice to meet you and your kids, Megan and Sean. I really can't thank you all enough, hope to see you all on our next run.
Ron, Glad to hear you made it home safely. It was nice to meet you and your nephew Jon (or John?). I guess will see you Chris and Tammy at PVD. Rick and Sarah hopefully with the Tshirts first then PVD. We got our pics back of the first roll and showed another buddy the nice Jeep that Ron drove, but shocked that it broke We need to do this again sometime, but I better not chicken out next time I just wasn't feelin up to drivin the trails after driving there. I will do my share of driving at PVD Watch out lead foot on the trails oh, wait a minute, I have to drive
s l o w
1993 Wrangler Black, 4" ProComp Lift, 33s.
Glad to be back in California!
http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4288680489 I finally got around to posting my pics, I have a couple of spider woman Tammy with her hairy friend Tarantula. Again thanks to all that helped me out.