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Anza Borrego, Oct. 20, 21, 22


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  • #16
    Originally posted by blackZZR
    I would like to do Diablo Dropoff also, I am going do a prerun in a couple of weks, so maybe we can set up a meet time, I will keep info current
    The bottom of Diablo has a boulder wash. Boulders are from bowing balls to suit case size. Its a very narrow wash. Seen some full size SUV's get the running boards torn off in there.

    I would suggest your pre run should start at the Pynion trail turn off at S2 You can also at that time check out Oraflam . If your in the jeep you will beable to go up the diablo drop off. Fish creek is a very long , wide sandy creek bed.

    Sandstone used to go quite a ways but I understand that the end now has been blocked off.
    97 TJ Buffed Out

    WEB site


    • #17
      Isn't there another trail into the devils dropoff, one that kinda parrellels Diablo canyon?
      censored for having an opinion


      • #18
        Originally posted by blackZZR
        Isn't there another trail into the devils dropoff, one that kinda parrellels Diablo canyon?
        Depends. If your on top of the mesa you have diablo canyon or the mud cave canyon. I only show the diablo route. There only one way to the drop off. Diablo and Mud cave meet about where the trail goes to the drop off.

        I live out here no other legal way! After the drop off your in a boulder filled creek!

        97 TJ Buffed Out

        LETS ROCK!
        WEB site


        • #19
          Sounds fun for the Jeeps
          humm, well do you have some recomendations of some challenging trails sans big rocks in the area?
          I mean, if we do a run to see the stage staion, I want to have some wheeling in the area so we are not road bound.
          otherwise, I have run the interior of the park alot, running the washes and stuff, nothing real cahllenging but always a lot of fun.
          Last edited by blackZZR; 09-20-06, 07:24 AM.
          censored for having an opinion


          • #20
            Theres lots of places and stuff to do out here. A pre run would be best though. I'll send some trails with descriptions and approx run time. later

            Both sides of S2 has stuff to ride on.

            Originally posted by blackZZR
            Sounds fun for the Jeeps
            humm, well do you have some recomendations of some challenging trails sans big rocks in the area?
            I mean, if we do a run to see the stage staion, I want to have some wheeling in the area so we are not road bound.
            otherwise, I have run the interior of the park alot, running the washes and stuff, nothing real cahllenging but always a lot of fun.
            97 TJ Buffed Out

            LETS ROCK!
            WEB site


            • #21
              I'm in....but still tenitive. Not totally sure yet.

              "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
              (Charles Wells)


              • #22

                This is the best online map I have found of the area
                Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FishPOET

                  This is the best online map I have found of the area
                  thanks, that helps a lot

                  most of the exploreing I ave done is in the east side of Borrego springs and truckhaven area
                  When I get back from florida I am going do a prerun of more difficult area
                  that map helps
                  censored for having an opinion


                  • #24

                    This will be the best mapping for California anyplace. It will also allow you to find park boundries and BLM land managment areas...of course its from the state of California it cannot be wrong!.

                    97 TJ Buffed Out

                    LETS ROCK!
                    WEB site


                    • #25
                      the squeeze

                      Originally posted by Britain
                      The Pynion is a good start, it takes you down to fish creek you also go through the squeeze. This is a medium trail with some good stuff. Then you can do sandstone canyon or Diablo. Theres even Oraflamm springs up the back way to Julian that too is pretty cool.
                      Is an FJ wider than a jeep? Will it fit through the squeeze? I know jeeps will......body damage for anything wider.....
                      Just a thought.

                      "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
                      (Charles Wells)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mtbikbob
                        Is an FJ wider than a jeep? Will it fit through the squeeze? I know jeeps will......body damage for anything wider.....
                        Just a thought.

                        I seen a kid take his dads new Tahoe there. Its about 12 inches more narrow. Took all day to drag his butt out. Completely blocked the trail off. He was a little upset.

                        I think the FJ could do it though. Lots of small trucks have gone through.
                        Need some good balls !
                        97 TJ Buffed Out

                        LETS ROCK!
                        WEB site


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Britain
                          The Pyinon also has heart attack hill. Great drop off, heart in your mouth. I've taken riders with some experience through this trail.

                          The hardest part is the drop off. It will be the talk of the trail run.
                          Yeah I did Heart Attack Hill about 8 years ago and my heart still pounds thinkin' about that drop-off, I almost thought they were kidding about driving over the edge.
                          The Geezer Jeep:


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Jerry Bransford
                            Yeah I did Heart Attack Hill about 8 years ago and my heart still pounds thinkin' about that drop-off, I almost thought they were kidding about driving over the edge.
                            Ok...I do not have this info first hand and I hate when others do this, however, from what I understand, people have died doing the drop off due to rollovers. I am not sure if they were trying to go up it, which is insane, or just lost control going down it. Maybe the other guys have more info on this....
                            "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
                            (Charles Wells)


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by Britain
                              I seen a kid take his dads new Tahoe there. Its about 12 inches more narrow. Took all day to drag his butt out. Completely blocked the trail off. He was a little upset.

                              I think the FJ could do it though. Lots of small trucks have gone through.
                              Need some good balls !
                              Now I made it through with the jeep, but I have seen the pictures of other trucks that have tried. As you know, the rock drops off on one side just as you go through causing a wonderful Gotta love the long travel of my jeep suspension.
                              "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
                              (Charles Wells)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Mtbikbob
                                Ok...I do not have this info first hand and I hate when others do this, however, from what I understand, people have died doing the drop off due to rollovers. I am not sure if they were trying to go up it, which is insane, or just lost control going down it. Maybe the other guys have more info on this....
                                I'll post a picture later of a roll over there. No one has died that I know of.
                                I've gone up and down it and so has many others.

                                Be sure your inside junk is secure, that is what will hurt you when you roll.

                                Most people panic when you drop into the first hole, the rig tends to lift in the back as if its going to go over and there still another 100ft straight down to go. Let her settle in and continue on down. This driver got his steering club in the eye!

                                Most rolls I've seen here have automatics. You will hear the engine race then .......Thats mostly likey to drivers experience. Ive take about 20 groups through safely...
                                Last edited by Britain; 09-21-06, 07:39 PM.
                                97 TJ Buffed Out

                                LETS ROCK!
                                WEB site

