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Big Bear Meet and Greet '06 (3 Merged Threads)


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  • Big Bear Meet and Greet '06 (3 Merged Threads)

    So heres a somewhat quick story of my drive home from BB meet and Greet. First let me say it was a fun day on the trail. It was great meeting all of you and seeing those of you I have met in the past. MJR is comprised of fantastic people. I am glad to be a part of it and look forward to seeing and riding with all of you again. So on to the story....

    I'm driving south on 38 outside of BB toward Yucaipa. I take a little turn in the road and the Jeep gets a little floaty. I figure it's a loose rear track bar or sway bar. I slow down quite a bit and I figure I would pull over into the next trunout and check it out. Well the next thing I know, my left rear tire is passing me and I'm into my "let's get control of this thing before things get really ulgy" mode My driver training that I learned from watching Teledaga Nights spring in and I get the Jeep pulled over to the side of the road. The correct side I might add. Now it's time for damage assessment. I pull out the trusty flashlight and find that all five wheel studs are stripped of their threads. Fortunately, I have spares. I figure I can replace them, put on the spare tire and git up outta there. Well nothing comes easy......the wheel studs wont come out unless I take the brake problem.........well it does not want to come apart, so plan #2 comes into play. Right about now, my flash light blub burnt out so now I have no light and its dark out...did I mention that its dark out... I had to disconnect one of my windshild lights and let it hang to get light on the back axle. Plus, without the flashlight, I couldnt look for my tire and wheel that went across the road and down the ravene, so I lost that too. I figure take the brake parts off any way I can and limp home with brakes to only three wheels. I get everything apart and the new studs in....which was no small feat with the tools I had to work know how it goes....the tools you acually need when you break something is and home keeping warm in the garage. Anyway, mission complete. Ummmm, I better see if the brakes will work before I put the spare tire on. All you mechanic's probably saw this coming......I push on the brake pedal and it goes to the floor and fluid squirts out. On to plan #3........Scratch the head a bit...I know....I'll crimp the brake line so the fluid doesn't squirt out and......that's right ...limp home on three brakes (it worked on mt sandrail in Glamis) Sounds good, right? Well, I can't get the line crimped to where it won't leak. On to plan #4.......I figure at this point all these signs are telling me something, so I figure I'll just finish putting the spare tire on so at least I have a rolling Jeep and I'll flag down someone and ask to use their cell phone.....did I mention my cell phone went dead eariler in the day on the trails????? Well my jack will not get the axle up high enough to put it on......Okay I'll get the tow driver to use his jack and I'll pop it on real quick. Well, I manage to flag someone down......a big thanks to Adrine and his wife Tereasa for all their help.......Well guess what....that's right, no cell service. So Adrine drives me up the road until he gets a signal. I call AAA and line up the tow. $500 later and 0300 hours in the morning, I get home sweet home.

    I figure the lug nuts came loose while on the trail, caused the wheel the move around and took the threads off all the studs. I checked the other wheels and they were fine, go figure. From now on....note to self.....after (and during) a day on the trail, check all lug nuts.

    Anyway....that's my adventure home.....I hope everyone gets home safely and trouble free. Here are some pics from Sat. Not many trail pic's but enjoy them.

    Last edited by sarah; 08-22-06, 09:25 AM.
    1997 TJ hp44/hp60-a lot of goodies

  • #2
    Darn Rick! Your just having a bad hoot wheeling. Good to here you did make it home safe. Looks like it was a fun get to gether!
    97 TJ Buffed Out

    WEB site


    • #3
      Big Bear Meet and Greet Report (Merged threads)

      This is Kevin with the black FJ-40 Toyota, with Super Swamper tires. Just wanted to say that the wife and I had a really good time, and enjoyed meeting so many nice people. hope we can do it again. Thanks to all for a great weekend. Kevin and Chris


      • #4
        Wow Rick! What an event!! A note to all ourselves...check lug nuts.

        Anyway thanks for the pics...nice to see so many turn out. what a great bunch of folks. All loving to wheel.
        It was nice to meet some of the folks from the MJR website.

        My thanks to all that were there, what fun it was to be a part of it all!!!

        Got to meet Screwball, the begining of lots of humor to come I hope, as well as his daughter Allyson who will soon be the owner of the jeep if she gets her way about it. Matterdaddy and fiance Tiffany, Ed and Yevtte, Rick, ....... well just a host of others...... Neat!!

        Oh and of course I had a little adventure of my own as I got the jeep crossed up on D.P. A little spotting by the boys, a little kiss from a rock and we rock on!!!!!
        GREAT TIMES!!!!! Thanks all. Pictures will follow in a day or so. Though I think Shari got the best ones.
        "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
        (Charles Wells)


        • #5
          Rick sorry about your travels home. I know you were whooped when you bailed. Thankfully, my journey home was uneventful. I was absolutely amazed at the turn out. It was great to put some names to the faces on MJR. Great friendly folks! Although it was a little depressing not getting to run the fun trails, it was really cool to check out MJR's trail and lend a hand. I don't think I'll be working graves the night before a trip in the near future. Thanks again for everyone that showed, or tried, especially the folks that traveled quite a distance. It was even cooler seeing Kevin and his wife in his FJ wheelin' right along side each of you. I swear I had nothing to do with Rubicon John's "Jeeps Deliver Mail" shirt. But damn, I gotta get one of those. Good times. Till next time...
          Last edited by FJ Crawlin'; 08-20-06, 09:51 PM.
          "run forest, run!"


          • #6
            Wow, sorry you had such a bad trip home! Ours involved Tiffany being stung by a bee in the Jeep, and my exhaust loosing a bolt (again). Other than that, we had a blast! Thanks everybody!

            Please take a look at my site and give me feedback!

            If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


            Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


            • #7

              Originally posted by Materdaddy
              Wow, sorry you had such a bad trip home! Ours involved Tiffany being stung by a bee in the Jeep, and my exhaust loosing a bolt (again). Other than that, we had a blast! Thanks everybody!

              Please take a look at my site and give me feedback!


              Nice site.....yeah I like it. Needs more pictures...or maybe I didn't find them all. All in all, cool!!
              Great to meet you guys.
              See you again on the trail. Say, When you getting hitched?

              "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
              (Charles Wells)


              • #8
                What an adventure Rick, I can only hope that runaway tire found it's way safely away from any unsuspecting hiker, but liked that headlight mod, something to keep in mind in a pinch. Quick thinking driving skill on your part, not sure what I would've done. Having had my own "PUKER" factor going up some trail with the group, not sure I’d trade.

                It was great meeting everyone, Allison and, I had a really good time. However, I was hoping to hit some more trails with you guys, but due to my inexperience and stock jeep, I felt a little limited. I promise though, a little work, some lift, and some aired down 33’s, I have hopes of shadowing you guys.

                And special thanks goes to the gentlemen with the tow strap! I too, would have liked to see the look on my face- a deer caught in headlights! With the look of Buckwheat!



                • #9
                  It was nice mmeting you both. Glad we could wheel together. Looking forward to running into you again.
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                  [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Materdaddy
                    Wow, sorry you had such a bad trip home! Ours involved Tiffany being stung by a bee in the Jeep, and my exhaust loosing a bolt (again). Other than that, we had a blast! Thanks everybody!

                    Please take a look at my site and give me feedback!

                    Nice job with the site! Yeah, next time I need to take more pic's too, I had planned on getting some shots around the campsite with everyone sitting around telling lies.

                    On a side note: looking at my Jeep from the outside, it felt much worse inside! Oh, good to see I wasn't the only one who sustained damage ...


                    • #11
                      Big Bear Meet&Greet Aftermath

                      Once again, MJR members show their propensity for putting on and having a great event. I met a number of members I have seen online for months, so now I have faces to put to names. Great meeting everyone.
                      I like Hanna Flats. That was the first time I'd camped there and I will definitely go back. Thanks to FJCrawlin (bummin that I missed your cooking) and Sarah for hashing that one out.
                      I didn't get to wheel with everyone, but those of you I did run with, as always, I enjoyed it totally. I learn something new everytime I'm out on the trails with MJR folks. One day I might even be smart!:tongue:

                      The only sad part was that the weekend was marred by a fellow off-roader's death. We had just run WM less than an hour before that happened, with two noobs (matterdaddy and screwball). I was bossin, and I think now how bad I would have felt if that would have been one of us. I guess thats natures way of reminding us to pay attention. I now wonder what kind of pressure SBNF will be under to see that this doesn't happen again. Lets hope that cool heads prevail.

                      Once again, had a blast, oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAFFA! Hope mi Patron helped the celebration. Looking forward to the next get together.
                      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mtbikbob
                        Nice site.....yeah I like it. Needs more pictures...or maybe I didn't find them all. All in all, cool!!
                        Great to meet you guys.
                        See you again on the trail. Say, When you getting hitched?

                        Thanks, I'll be putting up more pics over time, but this was only my first trip! I've got some more that I'll be putting up from this one though.

                        Great meeting you too, if you find anything around the North County, let me know! We can maybe go hit a couple things on a whim! Jerry Bransford mentioned something near Welk, we need to find that!

                        Getting hitched January 20th, 2007 ( )
                        If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                        Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by screwball
                          Nice job with the site! Yeah, next time I need to take more pic's too, I had planned on getting some shots around the campsite with everyone sitting around telling lies.

                          On a side note: looking at my Jeep from the outside, it felt much worse inside! Oh, good to see I wasn't the only one who sustained damage ...
                          Hopefully nothing too major, mine is nothing! Just got to get out and grab a can of rustoleum for the bare metal before it rusts!
                          If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                          Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                          • #14

                            we-me and a coulple of my kids went to look for your wheel. i didnt really know where exactly to look, but i had a pretty good idea, this is before you told me exactly where it happen Rick. so we will go look again its only about 20-25 mins away, so its worth a shot, and from what i see i dont think anyone will just stumble across it soon. i think it dropped down a pretty good hill-cliff. //Kevin


                            • #15
                              What a great trip! Here's how it all went down:

                              We started the day at Hanna Flat and headed to our Adopt-A-Trail, 2N84. We stopped at the Yellow Post to officially "Meet-n-Greet!" An hour or so later, all 21/22 rigs headed up to the peak to take in the view. We fit all but a couple of rigs up there, unbelivably. It was a perfectly clear day which allowed us to see from the Cajon Pass past Big Bear Lake. We checked in on the geocache and signed the red-can peak registry.

                              It took a while to get everyone off the peak, and most headed to Butler Peak or John Bull. Brian, Bryan, Jason, CRASH!, Mark and Rick and I decided to continue on 2N84 and patrol the trail.

                              We headed down spur B to check on our recent sign install and crossed the rock garden. At the end of the trail we noticed tracks continuing on. We winched a couple of logs in the road to enforce the dead end.

                              We were all getting hungry so we headed back to the Yellow Post for lunch. We left the trail about 1PM.

                              Next, we headed down to the lake sans Jason to try and catch some fish. It was a warm clear day that demanded some ice cream. After our treat we headed back to camp about 4PM to cook up an afternoon burger.

                              Brian, Bryan, our friend Crystal and Rick and I left for the Holcomb Creek trailhead. We ran the trail with little cross traffic and possibly in record time! I'll try and download the pics today and post up a list of attendees.

                              Thanks to everyone for coming out and visiting with us!
                              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

