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Big bear summer meet-n-greet!!!


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  • Boy Scout motto "be prepared." It can go from being a clear sunny day/night to thunderstorms and chilly willy gusty winds. I can not stress the importance of a warm jacket and pants. No offense, but climbing into your sleeping bag when it get's a little nippy may be alright...but those early am restroom callings can be dam near cold. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've spent the night on a trail, away from camp when someone broke. This isn't a big wheelin' trip. Just my .02 for an enjoyable weekend.

    :shout: not to mention that we're going to be doing trail maintenance!

    Originally posted by Materdaddy
    Lows = the lowest my Aunt/Uncle puts the thermostat! Plus, lows of 54-58 aren't too bad to handle w/ pants... even if I was camping, I'd just get in my sleeping bag before the rest of you!
    Last edited by FJ Crawlin'; 08-18-06, 12:44 PM.
    "run forest, run!"


    • TTORA organized Big Bear event was cancelled by USFS today?
      "run forest, run!"


      • bb

        i think their pretty much still going though?


        • Originally posted by jeepnzj
          i think their pretty much still going though?
 about 20 different directions.
          "run forest, run!"


          • alright guys, I'll be heading up there with my friend to just enjoy the view and maybe hit up a trail or two

            I would love to caravan up together with you guys, I am coming from LA area (Irvine) there an address(Mc Donalds) I can type in mapquest to use it as a direction aid

            are there any lakes in Big Bear? swimming doesn't sound too bad...

            I'll be in the yellow TJ with half ass'd quarter panels and an unpainted flat fender


            • Charles,

              Take the 57 northbound to the 210 east. Exit Carnelian and turn right. One block from the offramp and just before 19th Street, turn into the driveway. It's a vacant Bob's Big Boy restaurant. We'll be meeting between 6:00 and 6:30. If you have a CB, were on Channel 4.

              Big Bear has a huge lake for swimming and fishing. Look forward to meeting you and your guest.


              Originally posted by charlescho
              alright guys, I'll be heading up there with my friend to just enjoy the view and maybe hit up a trail or two

              I would love to caravan up together with you guys, I am coming from LA area (Irvine) there an address(Mc Donalds) I can type in mapquest to use it as a direction aid

              are there any lakes in Big Bear? swimming doesn't sound too bad...

              I'll be in the yellow TJ with half ass'd quarter panels and an unpainted flat fender
              "run forest, run!"


              • Originally posted by FJ Crawlin'
                TTORA organized Big Bear event was cancelled by USFS today?

                Midday Friday the Forestry service met the guys from TTORA and "officially" shut them down. Seems they had over 75 people respond to the Internet postings, which the Forestry Service was monitoring, and with that kind of responce you need a permit. Humm, seems we should learn from that.
                Anyway, they were told they could not have more than 20 camping at a spot. And that they had to cease with all organized activity.
                So they were forced to post up on thier site a closing notice, and to post up cancelled signs around Big Bear.
                Saturday morning around 8 am a Ranger showed up at the TTORA camp to monitor goings on. They stated they could not prevent friends from doing runs but any organized run from TTORA was out of the question. So I took a bunch of my friends down Holcomb Creek, Being Trail Boss in my Jeep, with a Banner accross my window with my website. they could not say I was a TTORA run, I mean would TTORA let a Jeep Lead a run for them?
                I was only Bummed I did not get to take my FJ Cruiser down the Creek, it had to sit at camp being regulated this weekend as a tow vehicle for the camper. Bummer.

                Anyway, That is why I never made it to camp to run with you guys. I had full intentions of showing up but decided that there were just to many guys from out of town that wanted to run a few trails with noone to lead the way, TTORAs trail bosses had their hands tied.
                censored for having an opinion

