I managed to get a couple of hours play time yesterday evening, had the trails to myself with no-one but a coupe of campers in the lower camp. It looks like the trail crews did some good work clearing and re-routing the damaged trails. Some of the back stuff was a little tight and overgrown, perfect if you have new paint (thankfully I didn't) and some of the twisty's are even more twisty. I don't know how many of you from the OC and 909 have ever visited the park but it's fun if you have an few hours or so the kill. And for anyone who has been up there, there's the dead end trail up to Rock peak, has anyone ever cleared the trail? It's not super nasty but I think it'd give most trials motor cyclists a run for their money, let alone someone on 4 wheels! I was on my own and didn't feel like being mountain lion food, but next time, if any ones up for a challenge......
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Originally posted by loop chokeWhen did Wildomar open again?????Mighty 4 banger YJ, 35's,4.88's, 30 splines, Detroits, 4.5" lift, TJ flares, Scorpion Offroad stuff, blah, blah, blah.