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Cougar Buttes- March 8th


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  • #16
    Originally posted by BLACK JK View Post
    As info guys....

    There is a District 37 race being staged out of CB this weekend.... lots of people and lots of camping.... I will be there for both attractions...

    That's kind of a bummer..I've only got a half a dozen or so. If you're racing, then you'll be in the dirt as opposed to on the rocks? Or are the rocks going to look like an ant hill with rigs??
    Jeep Girl


    • #17
      Originally posted by I H8RDS View Post
      That's kind of a bummer..I've only got a half a dozen or so. If you're racing, then you'll be in the dirt as opposed to on the rocks? Or are the rocks going to look like an ant hill with rigs??

      I'm not totally sure what to expect.... No one will say where they ran the course through.... but I fully expect that they used some of the trails as the "technical" section of the course.... I would imagine the Jeep crowd will be miffed that there are dirt bikes on the trails.... and the dirt bike guys will be miffed that the jeepers are on their race course.... I'm kinda stuck in the middle on this one as I understand both sides of this argument.... I will be racing motorcycles in the morning and out on the trails in the jeep for the afternoon...

      I only threw this info out because I do see both sides of the fence here....


      • #18
        Originally posted by BLACK JK View Post
        I'm not totally sure what to expect.... No one will say where they ran the course through.... but I fully expect that they used some of the trails as the "technical" section of the course.... I would imagine the Jeep crowd will be miffed that there are dirt bikes on the trails.... and the dirt bike guys will be miffed that the jeepers are on their race course.... I'm kinda stuck in the middle on this one as I understand both sides of this argument.... I will be racing motorcycles in the morning and out on the trails in the jeep for the afternoon...

        I only threw this info out because I do see both sides of the fence here....

        And then again , The course could go off into the desert never touching the posted " Jeep" trails....


        • #19
          Well, I googled it. I'm assuming the Race will be elsewhere and not all over the rocks. If my clan and I show up and it looks like an ant hill, we're bailing to Calico. So no big deal! either way, we're wheeling.

          Thanks for the heads up!
          Jeep Girl


          • #20
            If you see alot of ribbon and danger arrows then that will probably be the course.just use youre best judgement and enjoy while we still can.


            • #21
              Kevin..there's going to be 5 of far...let's meet you at Cambria Rd instead...3 of us are camping so we will be there easier just to meet you at the entrance of the dirt road, rather than driving back out to 247...Ok with you? 930am
              Jeep Girl


              • #22
                I won't be able to make it Sat. Have to finish the rear end on the Camaro. New owner coming by Sunday to pick it up, Kevin.


                • #23

                  Jeep Girl

