With a suspected killer on the loose and he was suspected to be in the BB area, it was our obligation to go check the back country for the fugitive. (The fact that was a beautiful day with fresh snow on the ground, plus Sergio had never been to these trails had NOTHING to do with it.
Sergio (50yj) and I saw the Cougar Buttes MJR crew gathering for their run as we passed by on our way to Rattlesnake Cyn. I thought about stopping to say "Hi", but we were on a mission.
We ran up Rattlesnake to Mottino. Didn't see Chris Dorner, but we did find what appeared to be a murder victim:

There wasn't any snow at Mottino Wash. I was a little disappointed since there was snow down to 2500 feet in RC when I left that morning. But on the other hand, The rocks were fun to play on without it:

Lots of fun, but no Dorner. Heck, we didn't see anyone all day until after we had lunch at the Spanish Smelter:

Even then, it was just a single Jeep cruising through. We took 2N02 over to Baldwin and we soon found plenty of snow:

This was Sergio's first real snow run and we found some 1 foot deep patches for him. We stopped by the beginning of Gold Mtn, but it didn't look like Dorner or anyone else had been up the trail:

The day was getting late, so we by-passed Gold Mtn and made a path towards John Bull. 3N16 had plenty of tracks and we came across some traffic. But Dorner wasn't one of them. After leaving 3N16, we quickly found ourselves in virgin snow. The JB Gatekeeper was fresh and untouched:

I stole all of Sergio's pics and video when we got back, so I will put together a video of the run. The Gatekeeper in the snow was tough to get through since neither of us were using chains. I made it up eventually and stopped at the first flat spot. Sergio went back to get his jeep to find that he had a flat. His spare was back in Lucerne Valley so he plugged it as best he could:

Unfortunately, he forgot to grab his CO2 tank when we started out. I offered to come back down to air him up, but he decided to to try to get to me instead. So Sergio climbed the Gatekeeper in the snow with a flat! You are going to love the video!
When he got to me, the tire wouldn't inflate. We found two more punctures. One was way too big to patch. So back down we went:

We took Jacoby Cyn out to the pavement. Fresh snow all the way through:

But even with the snow as padding, the flat tire was completely abused by the time we got to the road:

Sharon and I drove down to LV to get Sergio's spare while he took the tire off. After we got back it was a quick fix and we were back down to LV in no time. I'm pretty sure Dorner isn't in the back country now. :wink:
It was loads of fun. I'll try to get the video posted soon. We need more SNOW RUNS!

Sergio (50yj) and I saw the Cougar Buttes MJR crew gathering for their run as we passed by on our way to Rattlesnake Cyn. I thought about stopping to say "Hi", but we were on a mission.
We ran up Rattlesnake to Mottino. Didn't see Chris Dorner, but we did find what appeared to be a murder victim:

There wasn't any snow at Mottino Wash. I was a little disappointed since there was snow down to 2500 feet in RC when I left that morning. But on the other hand, The rocks were fun to play on without it:

Lots of fun, but no Dorner. Heck, we didn't see anyone all day until after we had lunch at the Spanish Smelter:

Even then, it was just a single Jeep cruising through. We took 2N02 over to Baldwin and we soon found plenty of snow:

This was Sergio's first real snow run and we found some 1 foot deep patches for him. We stopped by the beginning of Gold Mtn, but it didn't look like Dorner or anyone else had been up the trail:

The day was getting late, so we by-passed Gold Mtn and made a path towards John Bull. 3N16 had plenty of tracks and we came across some traffic. But Dorner wasn't one of them. After leaving 3N16, we quickly found ourselves in virgin snow. The JB Gatekeeper was fresh and untouched:

I stole all of Sergio's pics and video when we got back, so I will put together a video of the run. The Gatekeeper in the snow was tough to get through since neither of us were using chains. I made it up eventually and stopped at the first flat spot. Sergio went back to get his jeep to find that he had a flat. His spare was back in Lucerne Valley so he plugged it as best he could:

Unfortunately, he forgot to grab his CO2 tank when we started out. I offered to come back down to air him up, but he decided to to try to get to me instead. So Sergio climbed the Gatekeeper in the snow with a flat! You are going to love the video!
When he got to me, the tire wouldn't inflate. We found two more punctures. One was way too big to patch. So back down we went:

We took Jacoby Cyn out to the pavement. Fresh snow all the way through:

But even with the snow as padding, the flat tire was completely abused by the time we got to the road:

Sharon and I drove down to LV to get Sergio's spare while he took the tire off. After we got back it was a quick fix and we were back down to LV in no time. I'm pretty sure Dorner isn't in the back country now. :wink:
It was loads of fun. I'll try to get the video posted soon. We need more SNOW RUNS!