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Well if you're feeling that cocky we'll have to show you Dead Man's Drop! Glad you like Cougar buttes. Great place to wheel. I thought I heard your screams of joy all the way over here...
Well if you're feeling that cocky we'll have to show you Dead Man's Drop! Glad you like Cougar buttes. Great place to wheel. I thought I heard your screams of joy all the way over here...
Hey Kurt there some new 37" + sections out there. If you and Art want.....and Chuck...
Well if you're feeling that cocky we'll have to show you Dead Man's Drop! Glad you like Cougar buttes. Great place to wheel. I thought I heard your screams of joy all the way over here...
The whooping and rebel yells out of the Barbie Jeep were pretty loud lol
The gurl got game, kinda like wildman can do it, so wildgurl can do it too!
The enthusiasm turned it into a really fun day
The whooping and rebel yells out of the Barbie Jeep were pretty loud lol
The gurl got game, kinda like wildman can do it, so wildgurl can do it too!
The enthusiasm turned it into a really fun day
The way I look at it, quiet time is for work and church..the rest is fair game.
Great looking photos Art! Thanks again for coming out! Curtis, as always, thank you for being an excellent leader. Lorie, Kalah and I had a blast watching you. You can hear us saying in a few videos "She kinda scares me" "Ya, but she's fun!". I have to say I've never seen a Jeep leap like Rob's did at one point, guess we know why it's called Bullfrog... Nothing to do with a rock, more to do with an LJ leaping. We had a blast out there with Chunk's Limo Service and can't wait to get back. I'm working on the videos, but given I haven't built a new computer since '07 I'm having a rough go of things... We'll post up video to my YouTube channel, and here, once it is done. I was amazed today at how bad I did rash up the rims... Oops... Oh well, I bought it to wheel, not Mall Crawl. I'll post up some photos as well soon as I can get my Photobucket password to reset.
Wait..let me understand this. Rob is leaping over boulders, and I"M the one who scared you?? hmmm interesting! But I will let Rob know you were entertained!
Wait..let me understand this. Rob is leaping over boulders, and I"M the one who scared you?? hmmm interesting! But I will let Rob know you were entertained!
Robbie did the big leap forward, you are more into leaping backwards, either one made for good entertainment