So I must admit... If there is one great thing that has come of me buying a Jeep and moving to Az it is the fact that I've gotten back in touch with all the things I grew up with; hunting, fishing, shooting, (beer drinking) and many other outdoors recreational things. As my wedding draws more near, my Jeep collects more dust, and the winter approaches I thought I'd toss an idea out...
I'm thinking of doing a 7 day trip starting in the dessert, then making our way to the mountains... SBNF/CB sound like a winning location? I'd like to get a group together to head out with minimal supplies and do a camping/education/wheeling trip. I'm thinking the focus would be less on the wheeling and more on the camping and education. As so many of us (even though it isn't advised) wander out into the wilderness to play for a day, I think it would be great for us to all come together and share our knowledge; who better to learn from than friends?
I see two possible routes for this:
1) No camping gear but a sleeping bag, minimal food/water, and an itch to really get into a 'hardcore survival mode'.
2) Camp less accomadated than normal (no camp stoves and such), but maybe each day one or two people give a quick lesson on a helpful survival tactic that would benefit a Wheeler.
Either way you can't go wrong. I'm not too familiar with the CB climate but I'm hoping to do this at a time of year when the dessert is hot during the day, moderate at night, and the mountains are getting into the 40s and 30s...
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to make it clear what I'm envisioning. If we don't garner a large response for this then I imagine I'll still do the trip and set aside a day to wheel with the MJR family
** I couldn't figure out the polling feature so... Post up with your ideas and which option you'd lean more towards **
I'm thinking of doing a 7 day trip starting in the dessert, then making our way to the mountains... SBNF/CB sound like a winning location? I'd like to get a group together to head out with minimal supplies and do a camping/education/wheeling trip. I'm thinking the focus would be less on the wheeling and more on the camping and education. As so many of us (even though it isn't advised) wander out into the wilderness to play for a day, I think it would be great for us to all come together and share our knowledge; who better to learn from than friends?
I see two possible routes for this:
1) No camping gear but a sleeping bag, minimal food/water, and an itch to really get into a 'hardcore survival mode'.
2) Camp less accomadated than normal (no camp stoves and such), but maybe each day one or two people give a quick lesson on a helpful survival tactic that would benefit a Wheeler.
Either way you can't go wrong. I'm not too familiar with the CB climate but I'm hoping to do this at a time of year when the dessert is hot during the day, moderate at night, and the mountains are getting into the 40s and 30s...
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to make it clear what I'm envisioning. If we don't garner a large response for this then I imagine I'll still do the trip and set aside a day to wheel with the MJR family

** I couldn't figure out the polling feature so... Post up with your ideas and which option you'd lean more towards **