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I lived, but the Jeep Scrambler is dead


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  • Trail Report: I lived, but the Jeep Scrambler is dead

    I think this qualifies as an on pavement "trail report."

    On Tuesday morning at 6:45, I was driving to work westbound on the 210 freeway between La Tuna Canyon and Sunland Boulevard when my left rear tire blew out. I had just looked at my speedometer and know I was going 60 mph. I've had blowouts before (even in Jeeps and trucks) and I've always been able to control the vehicle and bring it to a stop safely. It's generally pretty easy as long as you don't hit the brakes. This was different.

    My Jeep immediately started to spin to the left and careen through the slide from the number 3 lane (next to the "slow" lane on a 4 lane freeway) toward the median. When I was sure I couldn't drive my way out of this, I applied the brakes to lessen the impact on the median.

    Either just before or just after I hit the median, I was hit by a pickup truck on my driver's side door, which caused the Jeep to start rolling.

    When you are in a vehicle that's rolling you are disoriented and it's almost impossible to know how many times it rolls, but witnesses all said that it rolled 7 - 8 times. I was able to remain calm and kept thinking rationally thoughout the whole ordeal. I held on tight to the steering wheel and kept pushing myself toward the center of the Jeep under the roll bar knowing that if I couldn't do this I would probably die.

    When I came to a stop I was hanging upside down from my lapbelt. The same pickup truck hit me again entering the upside down Jeep through the back and stopping about two and a half feet from my seat.

    Not knowing where I was on the freeway, I was expecting that the next thing that might happen is that I would get hit by an 18-wheeler.

    I quickly released my lapbelt and dropped to the pavement looking for a way out. I couldn't make it out of the crushed front or the doors. I looked back and found a small hole between the pickup truck's front bumper and my roll bar and crawled through it to discover that I was located safely on a wide shoulder at the center median.

    The driver of the pickup truck was a very nice guy who was very concerned about my well being. I don't blame him, since he probably didn't see me sliding across lanes and most likely lost control of his vehicle after the first impact.

    Many helpful people pulled over to offer assistance and I am grateful for their efforts. I was bleeding profusely, because throughout the roll my head kept hitting the pavement. It looked like that memorable scene from the movie "Carrie."

    One person who pulled over was a paramedic who was on his way to start his shift in Pasadena. He stayed with me and worked to keep me from sustaining any more injury by keeping my head still while I waited for help to arrive.

    I'm thankful for the CHP, Sheriffs and Fire department EMTs for their help.

    They strapped me to a backboard and took me to the Holy Cross Hospital's Trauma Center in Mission Hills where I was evaluated and released.

    Everyone working on me at Holy Cross was fantastic with a very caring attitude.

    There's more to the story, but I've got to save something for when you all see me in person.

    I'm lucky to be alive! (Albeit with a little less hair.)
    "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

  • #2

    "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


    • #3
      Thank God you're okay. Looks like that valve cover is your staring point for a rebuild.
      God forgives, rocks don't
      -sons of thunder


      • #4
        WOW Christian! Scary stuff and it was but a month or so ago Kassidy and I passed on on the Stansfeild cutoff, you were going the other way but we recognize the Limo and said to each other "We now that guy", it's Christian! Glad to hear you made it out and as far as the hair you didn't have that much to donate I hope it comes back and you consider getting another Jeep. I from time to time wonder how my lifted jeep on 35's would handle at freeway speeds in a situation like this, well now I have an idea. Human nature is to help and it sounds like you received the best of it, hats off to those who came to your needs, they turely ROCK!

        You gave up a good fight but lived to fight another day, Tom


        • #5
          I'm sure glad you are okay Christian. I think you are right, the limo is dead. I don't think those scraches will buff out.

          Roll bars: Don't buy a vehicle without one.
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
          MJR moderator
          MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
          Jeep Patrol Leader
          Reforestation Supervisor
          Licensed Ham - n6ujm
          Eagle Scout


          • #6
            Yeah, that valvecover, the dash and the tailgate seem to be the only thing left. I'm thinking about retaining the salvage for the VIN, but I'm not sure yet.

            I'll definitely get another Scrambler.

            "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


            • #7
              Thank God you are okay. What a story!
              Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


              • #8
                Wow, saw this on FB before here, just wanted to say again how glad I am to hear you're OK. What a scary situation. A freeway roll where you're at speed is the main reason I put a full roll cage in my Jeep. Although I've seen worse, most offroad rolls I've seen are only 1 or 2 rolls and the stock setup will save your life if you're wearing seat belts and the stars align. I think most of the time on-road when you roll upwards of 6 or 7 times, more than the stars have to be aligned to survive, especially with little more than a bleeding head from the bounces on the pavement. Christian, go buy a lotto ticket and buy a new scrambler with your winnings.
                If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                • #9
                  We are so glad to hear your ok Christian.Thank God for a hard head ay?I have a set a tires,a new air filter & head light ,and a BFH if you want to get the Limo up and going again.
                  Dennis and Tammy
                  Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!


                  • #10
                    May I ask how old those BFG A/T were?
                    Glad your OK!
                    Hav'n you along, is like loose'n 2 good men....


                    • #11
                      Always good to walk away from a scene of destruction, was your not so lucky lucky day. Glad you came through it in one piece and mostly intact, you can always buy a wig and another Jeep


                      • #12
                        Good lord! That was some ride you walked away from, glad to see you were able to. Sorry the Jeep didn't do as well.
                        Build it right the first time.


                        • #13
                          OMG You told me over the phone but man o man...Thank GOD you are alive to tell the tale.... But we can build the limo again ......
                          Head nut at Outdoorlogic
                          Like us on face book to get updates about local runs, and monthly sales specials


                          • #14

                            I am so sorry to hear about this and also so glad to hear that you are alright. I know I need to call and respond to those messages, but this is shocking. I hope you are truly ok!



                            • #15
                              Just yesterday on Pirate 4x4 I saw a pic of a BFG AT that came apart much like that one. If I can find it I'll post it up.

                              Sorry for your Jeep (and your hair), but happy for your life. Thank God: it wasn't your day to go.
                              holes = cowbell

