[COLOR="Blue"]I've been wanting to check out some of Arizona's trails for a while now, and one of the places has been the Florance Az. area. This is one of Az's most popular areas.
For anyone interested in going to Arizona this would be a good choice. The trails range from moderate to extreme. For a thourough treatment of this area Sidekick Offroad has a video called "ARIZONA TRAILS". The video covers the extreme trails. On our trip we covered the moderate trails.
This area is an old turn of the century mining area with roads acsessing to the mines. Today they are used by OHV'rs.
We started up Box Cyn, then over to Martinez Cyn & mill site, then out Steadman Cyn to the hwy 60. The hwy 60 & 177 goes through some still active major mineing areas & towns.
Along the way we stopped at an old secluded, turn of the century mine site just as the sun was setting. From there it was a short drive into Tucson.
The next morning it was pouring rain, we headed for home with a stop off at Organ Pipes NP. This is definately worth the drive down to. On this section I think we saw more border patrol vehicles than cactus.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]Box Canyon
Steadman Canyon
Organ Pipes NP[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]A few pix[/COLOR]
Box Canyon
Stage stop building
Martinez Canyon
Martinez cabin
Martinez mill site
Old cattle corral & stable
Steadman Cyn
The best part of the trail
Another cabin along the way
Superior Az
Secluded old mill site
Organ Pipes NP
For anyone interested in going to Arizona this would be a good choice. The trails range from moderate to extreme. For a thourough treatment of this area Sidekick Offroad has a video called "ARIZONA TRAILS". The video covers the extreme trails. On our trip we covered the moderate trails.
This area is an old turn of the century mining area with roads acsessing to the mines. Today they are used by OHV'rs.
We started up Box Cyn, then over to Martinez Cyn & mill site, then out Steadman Cyn to the hwy 60. The hwy 60 & 177 goes through some still active major mineing areas & towns.
Along the way we stopped at an old secluded, turn of the century mine site just as the sun was setting. From there it was a short drive into Tucson.
The next morning it was pouring rain, we headed for home with a stop off at Organ Pipes NP. This is definately worth the drive down to. On this section I think we saw more border patrol vehicles than cactus.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]Box Canyon
Steadman Canyon
Organ Pipes NP[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"]A few pix[/COLOR]
Box Canyon
Stage stop building
Martinez Canyon
Martinez cabin
Martinez mill site
Old cattle corral & stable
Steadman Cyn
The best part of the trail
Another cabin along the way
Superior Az
Secluded old mill site
Organ Pipes NP