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Work day in Deep Creek and Big Bear

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  • #31
    Thanks Clay and everyone! If I find a pair of front and rear driver side doors it will get me 60% there. I'll need a front bumper and a little tweaking on the metal cross bar, and some paint and buffing. I'll have to pull the plugs, and pumping oil out of the cylinders, clean the air box and get an new filter. The push bars might have hit my tranny cooler but I can't tell yet. Hopefully not too expensive or involved.

    Heres a couple from the home driveway.


    Passenger side and rear are untouched

    Front will be fine with a replacement bumper

    I found the front door handle stuck in the rear fender

    Replacement doors with fix most of it

    Last edited by Mitch; 12-03-09, 06:50 PM.


    • #32

      I'm sorry to learn about the flop. I hope you're OK; it looks like the damage to the Grand Cherokee is minor.

      If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


      • #33
        Sooo glad it is only the jeep! That can be fixed and we would all miss you and the great pictures you post.


        • #34

          You can tell I always make the best of the situation. So you won't miss any pictures or trail reports. I'll write trail reports if I'm on foot or riding with others. See you on the trail soon.

          Russ: So far it looks minor. I might be up to one of your adventures after this little ride! You are still the man when it comes to adventure!



          • #35
            Hey Mitch,

            Sorry to hear about the flop, but glad to hear you are not hurt.

            I'm surprised at how minor that damage is. Too bad it couldn't have just been pushed back onto its wheels.

            "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


            • #36
              DUDE!!!.. i havent been on in a few.. and I missed this..

              glad your ok..
              [COLOR="Blue"] [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"][COLOR="Red"] COMING SOON!!![/COLOR][/COLOR]


              • #37
                Holy cow, that was not the ending I was anticipating. Basically x2 on everything said thus far. Now lets get you on some hard trails, these roads are clearly not good for you!
                Off road adventure photography:

                TreadLightly Trainer
                Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                HAM - KI6PFO

                2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                • #38
                  Holy crap!

                  Scared the brown trout right outta me! Like everyone else glad to hear your not physically hurt....damn, spilled my coffee readin this.

                  If there is anything we can do from down here in the OC, parts etc or whatever, let us know.

                  New bumber sticker for Mitch,......

                  John & Kristi


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by headhunter View Post
                    Sorry to hear about the flop, but glad to hear you are not hurt.
                    Mitch,.. Jeeps can be replaced,.. people can not... At least YOU were not hurt.
                    "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


                    • #40
                      Roger came over today and helped me get the hardtop on great88 so it will be a little bit warmer for the next few weeks till the Grand Cherokee is back on the road. If I can find a pair of doors that color match I'll have a huge head start. If anyone visits a "Pick A Part" and sees a 1997 Grand that is Khaki Green please let me know.

                      Amazing that the only thing that was sore was my left should where the seat belt went across. Lucky man for sure!



                      • #41
                        mitch seen a grand at pick a part in rialto i'll stop by tomrrow and see whats left and let you know


                        • #42

                          Let me know. Thanks



                          • #43
                            We could cut the roof off and chuck all the doors and make it a nice trail rig

                            [COLOR="Blue"] [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"][COLOR="Red"] COMING SOON!!![/COLOR][/COLOR]
                            PARTS, SERVICE, INSTALLATION & CUSTOM FAB...


                            • #44
                              Looks like you could have used a spotter on that one. Glad you are ok. Slow and low, under the radar big guy.


                              • #45
                                12-21-09 Update

                                I went to the safe and grabed a $1000 and gave it to my mechanic Ken and told him to go shopping this morning. Ken called me in the afternoon and said that for $330.00 he picked up a driver side rear door, a driver side front door, a driver side front quarter panel, a front bumper, front lights, front turn signals...... He said that there was at least 30 Grand Cherokees at the Pick A Part. And the parts he picked up were all the correct color! He is thinking that by tomorrow night or Wednesday morning it will be done and looking like new. This is cool because we already knew that the driver door had a crack in the hinge bracket when I bought it. So this is a good thing for me. The lower cost for parts will allow me to be able to keep the front Chomoly shafts and Aussie and get it installed in the great88! Finally some good news.


