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  • #16
    Cleghorn is on I-15 north of san bernardino and south of victorville in the cajon pass(not sure on the spelling). From the 210 East you get onto the 15 north. The exit is called cleghorn rd. Once off the freeway you make a right and follow the dirt.


    • #17
      We are leaveing fontana about 8:15. Bringing another couple for their 1st jeep run. Thought this would be a good start for them.


      • #18
        Geebo, if it was near a major city, it wouldn't be any fun! it's east of Fontana, west of Victorville, along the 15, in the middle of Cajon Pass.

        Off road adventure photography:

        TreadLightly Trainer
        Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
        HAM - KI6PFO

        2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


        • #19
          Thank you, Chris and Nathan for the info. and ya got me their Nathan if it was near a major city I,d really be crawlin..LOL..Thanks guy,s ..Geeb
          "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


          • #20
            well im not going to make this run. sorry guys,
            The Second Amendment protects all the rest!

            HI-LIFTS never go jeepin without it


            • #21
              Looks like I'm not going to make it either. Kids are sick. :-(
              Off road adventure photography:

              TreadLightly Trainer
              Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
              HAM - KI6PFO

              2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


              • #22
                Damn I've missed another! Lost my track bar heim joint pullin outa my kids school on Friday! How pathetic is that??? Got a Currie HD kit comin in and will look forward to another run soon...


                • #23
                  No worries we will hook you up with something, prime wheeling season has started


                  • #24
                    Well ,for me it was a great day Art installed me some new gears got me some bigger tires and Joe (Schmo) picked me up took me to Arts to get my jeep ,then Art, Joe and myself went and ran Cleghorn ..Thanks for the good was fun..We ran into Mr. Bash and Leadfoot, and a few of their buddies on the trail as well..LOL..I missed the grillin by just
                    "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                    • #25
                      I'm very tired but we had a great day over-all.

                      1)I didn't have a tow strap so I thought I head over to Home Depot in the morning and pick one up (thank goodness I did)
                      2) The weather was great
                      3) It was nice to meet Dink and had a great time wheeling with LeadfootJosh
                      4) Ran into 18 Jeepers that I've wheeled with before.
                      5) Our "new-to-us" 92 cherokee overheated on the I15 and we lost three cylinders but we decided to wheel it anyway - after-all, it's a Jeep.
                      6) we ditched the sway bar completely from the cherokee
                      7) the cherokee caught on fire on a really steep grade about halfway through cleghorn. A few wireing harnesses melted, along with a few hoses and the radiator reserve tank.
                      8) I put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. Scared as hell, I never thought I would ever use that damn fire extinguisher. It was a gift given to me by the first guy I ever went wheelin with on a forum - Rawkon. Now, I will buy two fire extinguishers and never leave home with-out it.
                      9) The cherokee started rolling backwords downhill really fast due to no power in the braked. My buddy pulled on the Ebrake and jacked the steering wheel. The cherokee went up on a hill and almost rolled over LeadFpootJosh
                      10) we towed the cherokee all the way down
                      11) The barbeque was great
                      12) the crowd was great
                      13) the cherokees performance in stock condition and only 3 cylinders was great
                      14) we had a lot of laughs
                      15) the scneraio not in this particular order
                      16) we need a 4.0 Inline 6-cylinder engine for the Cherokee...any ideas where to get one?

                      See ya'll next time


                      I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


                      • #26

                        You always provide the entertainment! Glad you all made home safe. I take it that the Chorokee is Khorens? Too funny. I'll call Josh today to get a report on his upgrades. I'm sure they turned out great.

                        Geebo: Never be late when Shant has the grill going!!!!

                        I'm sure that Art showed you guy's the "Easy" lines. Haa....



                        • #27
                          Here,s some pic,s of Joe (Schmo) doing a little flexin on Cleghorn..that,s all I got..Next time...

                          "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                          • #28
                            Had a great time out there on Cleghorn. I'd only been on Cleghorn once in the snow, so it was really both Geebo's and my first time thru . . . what a fun trail . . . totally exceeded my expectations. Thanks for leading us thru and helping out with some spotting, Art! Geebo's Jeep sure looks different . . . seems like we were all just over there wrenchin on his Jeep making room for some 33's and now he's sporting new 35's . . . you're out of control Geebo!!! Was good running into Shant again . . . seems like every other time I'm out, I run into Bash out on the trail, but never when he's grillin' . . . gonna have to change that! Beautiful day, fun trails, good people . . . hard to ask for much more.

                            See ya all next time!
                            That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by MrBash View Post

                              7) the cherokee caught on fire on a really steep grade about halfway through cleghorn.
                              11) The barbeque was great

                              Shant, I edited the summary of your comments for you!
                              If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                              • #30
                                Well... didn't get home till late... for obvious reasons... but still had a great time. Grilling with Bash is always epic... ill try to post the pics before I head out tonight for 5 more days of jeepin.. also got a vid of Bash being dragged down the hill as he was acting as the breaks for the burnt XJ
                                [COLOR="Blue"] [/COLOR][COLOR="blue"][COLOR="Red"] COMING SOON!!![/COLOR][/COLOR]
                                PARTS, SERVICE, INSTALLATION & CUSTOM FAB...

