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Nightmare Gulch/Last Chance Canyon 16/17 Oct 09

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  • #46
    i just ran Last Lhance Canyon today and the XJ that is sitting in the trail is passable. i have to work the airshow that weekend but do you guys mind i if i join you for a night run through there, i had a blast out there today and would like to run it at night with a group


    • #47
      Originally posted by jeep4byer2000 View Post
      i just ran Last Lhance Canyon today and the XJ that is sitting in the trail is passable. i have to work the airshow that weekend but do you guys mind i if i join you for a night run through there, i had a blast out there today and would like to run it at night with a group
      I was thinking the same thing. I have to work the air show in the morning and hopes someone would post a night ride time.


      • #48
        I'm sure we will do some sort of night run. Post up what you want to do.

        Meeting for the day run will be 0930 at the Jawbone station. We will run ch 4. If anyone needs my cell, let me know.
        1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


        • #49
          Hello All.

          During a search for Nightmare Gulch I happened upon your forum. I am not a current Jeep owner but may be in the market for one soon. A buddy and I were going to take a similar trip this Saturday. It has been difficult to find info on Nightmare Gulch so I figured I would pick your brains. I have a Stock 2nd Gen Xterra with 33" tires and my buddy runs a early 90's 4 Runner with a 2.5" lift. We have run up Last Chance Canyon without an issue but Nightmare Gulch looks like it may be a little more difficult. How much more technical/difficult is Nightmare Gulch compared to Last Chance Canyon?

          Thanks in advance for any help, and I am sure we will see you all out there on Saturday. We will be in the Silver X and the White 4Runner.


          • #50
            Originally posted by igofshn View Post
            I'm sure we will do some sort of night run. Post up what you want to do.

            Meeting for the day run will be 0930 at the Jawbone station. We will run ch 4. If anyone needs my cell, let me know.
            as of now i have to work the air show until 7 but i can be at the trail by 830 let me know if that will be too late.


            • #51
              anyone going up 395 early sat morning sure like to tag along


              • #52
                Nightmare gulch is a little more difficult, however there are bypasses around most of the hard areas. We have one friend that has taken his stock toyota pickup through there but he had to work at it.


                • #53
                  ok well a few of us are heading up on friday evening and we are camping across from dove springs near the two billboards.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by cweed View Post
                    Nightmare gulch is a little more difficult, however there are bypasses around most of the hard areas. We have one friend that has taken his stock toyota pickup through there but he had to work at it.
                    Stock Land Rovers on 28" tires can make it. It's not that hard, just takes some concentration all the way through. Also depends if we are taking exit hill at the legal terminus, or continuing on to Opal Canyon. Exit hill is challenging sometimes.
                    Off road adventure photography:

                    TreadLightly Trainer
                    Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                    HAM - KI6PFO

                    2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by igofshn View Post

                      I new you liked this area and have wondered why you had not responded yet. Glad you can make it.
                      Yeah, had some issues with the Jeep to sort out (Death Wobble). I think I have it licked for now. Looking forward to it!
                      Off road adventure photography:

                      TreadLightly Trainer
                      Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                      HAM - KI6PFO

                      2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                      • #56
                        Sat AM at Jawbone Station......

                        ......we'll look for you Mitch, you still planning on making it?

                        It will be good to be out and spend a day in the desert with a fine too Bash.....:wink:
                        John & Kristi


                        • #57

                          I won't know till the last minute. My mechanic just spent the weekend in the hospital, and I still need to change out the rear axles on my Jeep before I head out. I'll call you if I can make it.



                          • #58
                            Im in for the sat. run 9:30 jawbone store. Should have 2 are 3 jeeps with me. Larry


                            • #59
                              Where in the canyon are you planning on setting up camp? intruding minds need to know,


                              • #60
                                You should have no real issues in this area, just be logical, cautious and careful. These guys wont let you get into too much trouble.

