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The music deal is a copyright issue. There should be a text box that pops up telling you there are copyright issues with the music you are trying to upload. DId you download the music from a wbsite, or did it come off a CD? I've run into that a couple of times. There is a release, I beleive that you can sign stating you are not using it for commercial purposes. Check with Youtube on that.
The music deal is a copyright issue. There should be a text box that pops up telling you there are copyright issues with the music you are trying to upload. DId you download the music from a wbsite, or did it come off a CD? I've run into that a couple of times. There is a release, I beleive that you can sign stating you are not using it for commercial purposes. Check with Youtube on that.
I get that. I'm not going to profit from it so what's the big deal. You would think that it would be beneficial to the bands since I'm helping promote their music. Dam you Lars. The music I originally used came from my CD's I purchased. I even tried converting it to a .wav file. I'll look in to the release. Thanks.
I get that. I'm not going to profit from it so what's the big deal. You would think that it would be beneficial to the bands since I'm helping promote their music. Dam you Lars. The music I originally used came from my CD's I purchased. I even tried converting it to a .wav file. I'll look in to the release. Thanks.
The CD is the problem. When you download from a website the copyright is mixed in the file somehow I'm guessing. The only time I've had issues is with CD music.
Here you go. I found some other sites that aloud the audio so I re-uploaded part 1. I'm seeing which has better quality so each one is on a different site. I think You Tube is going the way of the dinosaurs. Enjoy.