I had PM's to lead a small group through Bullfrog with Shant (Mr Bash), Larry from San Diego in his Yellow Rubicon, and Rob (4 point) who drove 5 hours from north of Fresno. Mr Bash was having some problem with a friends JK and was running a couple of hours late so I meet with Larry, and Rob in Lucerne and we hit the trails. To kill some time while waiting for Mr Bash we hit Box Canyon and scoped out Hammerdown on foot for a later run after Bash made it. Then we hit Bullfrog with me in the lead, cause this was a first time for both Larry and Rob. We cruised thru 2/3 of the trail including "Jeep Eater" and we took a lunch break till Shant and his crew made it.
Well we heard Shant and the Armenian Mafia before we saw them. Shant brought out his virgin boys and their shiny JK's. All we heard on the radio was, "Oh there goes the door step", and there goes the running board, and "I'll be right back, I'm going to kill my brother". This was better than a "Three Stooges Movie!
All joking aside Shant's family and friends were a ton of fun and very friendly and made for a great time. The JK's split to go shooting in a legal place away for this area. Along the way a black Rubicon taged along for about a third of the trail and then had enough. At this point, Rob jumped into Larry's yellow Rubi and I got Shant's brother as passenger and we completed Bullfrog. So Larry, Rob, and I almost completed 2 trips through Bullfrog including "Jeep Eater" twice!. Larry really wanted to run Hammerdown so we headed that direction. The proved to be rather basic with Shant giving us a little show and ultimately a winch coming into play!
An absolutely awesome day!!! What a great group of trails, a great group of friends, and alway's perfect to meet new faces!
Thank you Larry, and Rob for the call! We will run again soon. Shant thank you for being there and bringing all of your friends, what a ball.
Box Canyon



A little air time / Notice approaching dust storm!
Well we heard Shant and the Armenian Mafia before we saw them. Shant brought out his virgin boys and their shiny JK's. All we heard on the radio was, "Oh there goes the door step", and there goes the running board, and "I'll be right back, I'm going to kill my brother". This was better than a "Three Stooges Movie!
All joking aside Shant's family and friends were a ton of fun and very friendly and made for a great time. The JK's split to go shooting in a legal place away for this area. Along the way a black Rubicon taged along for about a third of the trail and then had enough. At this point, Rob jumped into Larry's yellow Rubi and I got Shant's brother as passenger and we completed Bullfrog. So Larry, Rob, and I almost completed 2 trips through Bullfrog including "Jeep Eater" twice!. Larry really wanted to run Hammerdown so we headed that direction. The proved to be rather basic with Shant giving us a little show and ultimately a winch coming into play!
An absolutely awesome day!!! What a great group of trails, a great group of friends, and alway's perfect to meet new faces!
Thank you Larry, and Rob for the call! We will run again soon. Shant thank you for being there and bringing all of your friends, what a ball.
Box Canyon



A little air time / Notice approaching dust storm!
