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Death Valley


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  • #16
    Originally posted by tgregg View Post
    ...Right now I'm researching the Mojave Road hoping I can fit a weekday (monday - Thursday) trip in before the weather gets too warm. The XJ is a really good choice for this kind of run. Lots of room for "stuff" and room to sleep in out of the elements if needed. Do you recommend doing the "Road" West to East or the way you did it, East to West? ....
    I would do it from east to west. The Avi Casino is a good place to fuel up and get last minute supplies. When you exit at Afton Canyon or if you continue to the exit at Manix road, you have a lot shorter drive home.


    • #17
      Originally posted by karstic View Post
      I would do it from east to west. The Avi Casino is a good place to fuel up and get last minute supplies. When you exit at Afton Canyon or if you continue to the exit at Manix road, you have a lot shorter drive home.
      Thanks, that was my inclination. Now I just need to find a couple of other retired guys who can go weekdays! My copy of "Mojave Road Guide" just came today. I've got a couple of weekend trips scheduled for late this month and late next month so I'm hoping to fit the Mojave trip around those. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday works best for me so anybody want to make plans?
      Gregg Turk
      West Oak Hills
      95 Jeep Cherokee, 69 Jeep CJ5


      • #18
        Myself and a bunch of guys just did the Mojave road trip a few weeks back what a beautiful trip it was awesome. I just did it and I envy you all for be able to go..DO IT..and have fun...GEEBO
        "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


        • #19
          Originally posted by tgregg View Post
          Hi Rich, Yes the weather was absolutely perfect. There seemed to be a lot of explorable trails out from Beatty that we didn't do and I'm looking forward to doing that another time.
          Right now I'm researching the Mojave Road hoping I can fit a weekday (monday - Thursday) trip in before the weather gets too warm. The XJ is a really good choice for this kind of run. Lots of room for "stuff" and room to sleep in out of the elements if needed. Do you recommend doing the "Road" West to East or the way you did it, East to West? The DV trip was the first Jeep trip I've done that was all driving the Jeep and moteling it along the way. In the past I've always trailered the Jeep and used the motorhome as a base. Doing point to point rather than loops really allowed us to cover a lot of trails with little doubling back. Jeff and I proved very compatible as to speed and trail toughness (I think Dave was just being nice and went slow with our laggard!). I found the speed issue more important that I'd anticipated. Going really slow beat me to death as the XJ is set up for pre running race routes and is really too stiff for slow speeds. Also after so many years racing I get bored easily, I'm trying to get over that and actually did pretty well until the last day.
          Gregg, I think East to West is the way to do it. Get Casebier's book. It is great. One of our group has an XJ and it worked well. He slept inside. This was especially nice for him on our first night, since the wind came up so bad. They also have more room for "stuff". You need to make sure you camp at Mid Hills. Really nice campground. If you go to the far end, there are still trees. Nice to have water and a nice bathroom. You could also go to the the New York Mountains the first night. Nice camp sites there. Neat scenery. For the third night I would try Afton Canyon campground. I think three nights is the minimum.


          • #20
            Thanks Rich, I just got Casebier's book yesterday and ordered a better GPS last night. I have a buddy who also wants to do it. Do you think it is safe with only two Jeeps. I'd like a few more people but I only know a few retired folks who can go weekdays. Do you want to do it again? Also once we set dates I'll post it here for MJR.
            Gregg Turk
            West Oak Hills
            95 Jeep Cherokee, 69 Jeep CJ5


            • #21
              Originally posted by tgregg View Post
              Thanks Rich, I just got Casebier's book yesterday and ordered a better GPS last night. I have a buddy who also wants to do it. Do you think it is safe with only two Jeeps. I'd like a few more people but I only know a few retired folks who can go weekdays. Do you want to do it again? Also once we set dates I'll post it here for MJR.
              Gregg, thanks for the invite, but not this year. There is nothing hard about this adventure and I see no reason why two vehicles cannot do and have a good time. I downloaded the tracks for the trip from this site and it was something else to watch as you drive. You pretty much cannot get lost.


              • #22
                I tried to download the waypoints but you need to be a subscriber. Just one more reason to get that done today! Didn't figure you'd want to go again so soon but wanted you to feel "wanted" :=)
                I'm thinking I want to do a quick run now and then plan a slower trip for the Fall.
                Gregg Turk
                West Oak Hills
                95 Jeep Cherokee, 69 Jeep CJ5


                • #23
                  I love going and exlporing death valley. Really bummed that I can't make it out there this year. Sounds like you had a good trip. You can't expect alot from PSR. It;s a small motel in the middle of nowhere.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by explorer1 View Post
                    I love going and exlporing death valley. Really bummed that I can't make it out there this year. Sounds like you had a good trip. You can't expect alot from PSR. It;s a small motel in the middle of nowhere.

                    I thought it interesting, they charge $95 for a very basic room and then charge you $2.16 for a cup of coffee. As I recall a hamburger was $16.00. I stay in $45 rooms all the time with free coffee!! I don't want to hammer them but it wasn't that far to Stovepipe Wells and even at $135 a night, it was terrific, and free coffee :=))
                    I just wanted to warn others of what to expect. We got caught unawares.
                    Yes it was a great trip and I can't wait to go back.
                    Gregg Turk
                    West Oak Hills
                    95 Jeep Cherokee, 69 Jeep CJ5


                    • #25
                      Ya, I have never stayed in a motel there. We have always stayed in the trailor with my family, or in the tent with my brother and dad. I am now 22 years old, and have been going to Death valley one or twice a year for 20 years. We have done almost every trail out there and still find new stuff to explore. Out of all the places a have wheeled, Death Valley i by far the best.,

