Un-Officailly 14 rigs with 22 caring offroaders met at Mule Canyon to clean up trash left by others on Friday. We filled trash bags as we headed east in Mule Canyon, then north to Kramers Arch, Bismarck Mine and various areas back to the camp. I left after lunch at Kramers Arch and took Phillips Drive back to Mule Canyon as the others continued alond the route. It is a good feeling to give back to the other users and to show the BLM that there are people that care and are will ing to help keep our PUBLIC LANDS open for the public. Thank you to all that had Friday off and could help. Someone did try to throw a wench in our plans....but thats another story! A great effort by concerned offroaders.
Mule Canyon
Heading to Kramers Arch
Phillips Drive
Mule Canyon
Heading to Kramers Arch
Phillips Drive