Well a bunch of us had a rocking day on both trails today. Just a great day of wheeling with some nice challenges. Couple of small breakdowns but nothing major. Will post some pictures as I find them
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Hammerdown and Cakewalk
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A couple of guys took a bunch of pictures.
They just haven't uploaded any yet. I got lazy and didn't take any pictures. As soon as Mike Koher post his pics we will make a believer out of you yet Josh:shades:
Here ya go http://s304.photobucket.com/albums/n...Hammer%20Cake/Last edited by aw12345; 03-21-09, 11:33 PM.
Had a great time yesterday! Thanks Mike!
To me this trail actually makes the Bull Frog a piece a cake....it was a lot a fun! Heres a link for a different perspective of some photos:
Thank's to Art & Fred
Thank's to Art and Fred for your help getting me up the hill there in Box Canyon!! Never tried that line before! LOL
I really need to get that locker in ASAP! Just waiting on the front ring & pinion to show up and I'm good to go!
Last edited by avjeepfreek; 03-22-09, 10:59 AM."I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:
Originally posted by barney1 View Postcurtis you missed a good one , dont let these pics fool ya there was some steep stuff, i had barney1 standing on its front tires what seem like forever before the ass end decided to come down , by far the closest i came fron going end over end .....
Btw, Karrie, Chris's wife, (they were behind you) I believe she got a shot.... The're not members yet....I'll hit him up for the pics they took, see if it came out.... I believe thats wat Mike had called the ' Nose Dive '.
TonyLast edited by tony m; 03-22-09, 11:10 AM.