Headed out this morning to meet up with Scott (avjeepfreak),his father Dick and their friend JR, and also George (RedMonsterTruck) and his son. I've had an exhaust leak near the engine for awhile and it really let loose this morning. I made it to Apple Valley, met with Scott, then turned around to go home. As I went through Hesperia I passed a muffler shop and stopped to let them take a look. It ended up being a broken head pipe and 10 minutes and $60.00 later I was heading back to Lucerne. George called and couldn't make it cause his wife delivered a baby on Friday. So 2 YJ's and off we went. The 3 mine areas and 4 mine tunnels that we explored were all new to Scott, Dick, and JR so we took our time checking everything out. We had a couple of steep loose climbs mixed in with flat dirt roads like Camp Rock Road. Temps were around 60 with partly cloudy skies and in general a great day. 8 hours of driving without the top and some sun burn and it's all good.
Thanks Scott, Dick, and JR! Dick thanks for the company while inthe passenger seat.

Scott looking for gold!

Dick climbing in at the Double AA Mine

Ah, that 8x8 is bending, that's not good.

Back to the outside world

Hiking in the Double AA #2 mine. 240' deep with a resident bat!

Double AA #1 Mine tunnel

Scott playing in the rocks
Thanks Scott, Dick, and JR! Dick thanks for the company while inthe passenger seat.

Scott looking for gold!

Dick climbing in at the Double AA Mine

Ah, that 8x8 is bending, that's not good.

Back to the outside world

Hiking in the Double AA #2 mine. 240' deep with a resident bat!

Double AA #1 Mine tunnel

Scott playing in the rocks
