I have a little fire wood I was thinking about taking to you guys. See you in a few hours.
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Calico Run 12/13
Forum Thread First Post
Originally posted by Shadly1 View PostGo pick his janky ass up! Did he at least give an excuse?
A good one?
Not going to even try . . . my excuses always suck anyway. Looking forward to seeing some pics and living vicariously thru you guys. Sorry I missed out on meeting and wheeling with you guys . . . hope you have a great time.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That was a lot of fun. I think Odessa was done in record time.
Josh- You rule. Sorry about your axle. I got quite an education on trail repairs though.
Hey, somebody had a video camera out there for the big ledge at Doran. Who was that?"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
-Margaret Thatcher
Had a ball with a great group of cave dwellers. Josh and the gang hope Y'all stay warm and go easy on the Patron. Also I hope the axleshaft for the Thurdyfive arrived and it got of the trail. Doran was fun and Shadly you got some major air on Odessa, lucky it did not do more damage to the hardtop.
All in all a great day, we all lost some time on the waterfall on the Doran loop when Josh busted his axle shaft, that was the third axle shaft to give out for the weekend, but morale stayed high.
Here are a few pictures I took
Doran was a fun run the waterfall turned out to be the axle eater 3 in all. cold and windy day on the trail. I would like to thank MRBASH an NIKOS for the best Greek BBQ diner I have had wow these guys can cook up some damn good BBQ. Spent most of the day following Bash on the trail and it is amazing to watch him wheel that jeep with open Diffs. Every time I thought he would need a strap he would prove me wrong great driving Bash my hat is off to you, thanks for the show and the BBQ.
Had a blast. We had alot of breakage. but oh well. shit happens like tds said.
We ended up doing a night run after dinner. I think we started around 10. finished late. we did odessa, then went up to what I thought was the crossover road but ended up somewhere else on a dead end to a mine. Well we are curious so we went inside and walked and walked and walked. Mine was huge and cool. came down doran with no probs. awesome run. the temps on the trail were 37 up high and in the canyons around 40. the winds died down at night.
I have to say that was some of the best cooking I have had. Nikos and Bash you guys rock.Ford Raptor 6.2l
Originally posted by aw12345 View PostHad a ball with a great group of cave dwellers. Josh and the gang hope Y'all stay warm and go easy on the Patron. Also I hope the axleshaft for the Thurdyfive arrived and it got of the trail. Doran was fun and Shadly you got some major air on Odessa, lucky it did not do more damage to the hardtop.
All in all a great day, we all lost some time on the waterfall on the Doran loop when Josh busted his axle shaft, that was the third axle shaft to give out for the weekend, but morale stayed high.
Here are a few pictures I took
I was bummed for most of the day holding people up on the trail. I didnt feel better till I had something to drink.Ford Raptor 6.2l
We had a huge turnout. was great.
the fun started on friday night.
Nikos, chris, cameron, jim, and bash showed up.
We went up doran, got to waterfall and jkjim broke and axle. then after they got this fixed there was only one jeep to do the waterfall, then he broke his axle. with no spare shafts we left it until morning. he had a buddy bring out his spare shaft.
we got off of doran and took mule back. we got off the trail at or around 5 in the morning. We were all exhausted. We managed to get up the next day and meet everyone at peggy sues. we left kinda late due to night before.
Yesterdays run was flawless except for my shaft breaking after that we hightailed it back to camp. the rest of the day run group hit odessa.Ford Raptor 6.2l
This thread needs more pictures and some of the famous Bash video. Had a blast I guess next time we should all stay for dinner, driving back was a pain lots of wind and the 2 hours sleep the night before didn't help either, still got to be glad to have a job to go to so moaning and complaining. I had a ball enough said, I hope that goes for the rest of the group also. It's good wheeling with you Josh
What an awesome trip. A lot of ups and downs. I just got home. We hit Doran again this morning and wheeled to the waterfall where the Jeep was left Saturday morning at 4:00am. While Camron and Chris took the diff apart, Ken and I broke out the chairs, table, patron and sandwiches. I served sandwiches while the guys fixed the axle. Sure enough the patron finished and the axle was not repairable. The damn thing had a truTrac gear in the rear that we couldn't take apart. I drove up the waterfall again with some man power and more rocks being stacked. Then we drove back down Doran and dragged the jeep all the way down. We strapped the high lift to the wheel and dragged that muther !!!!er down doran. We got off the trail at 4:30pm. I said bye to Chris and ken at Ghost town road and Camron had some other issues to deal with (girl problems, it's a long story). All I know is I'm !!!!en beat. NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!!! That's the motto. What a !!!!en weekend. Awesome! Thanks Josh for hooking it up. Thanks Nikos for the food and a big thanks to Camron for repairing that axle shaft at 2:00am in the morning. What a trip this was.....I'm loving it.Last edited by MrBash; 12-14-08, 09:53 PM.
I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:
What happened to running Gatekeeper? Bummer all those axles broke. I guess someone had to feed the Calico Gods... As long as noone got hurt and ya'all had fun, that's all that matters.
Way to hang with the broken guys shant. Thanks for carrying on the tradition.[CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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