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Meeting regarding Johnson Valley with Congressman Hunter


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  • Meeting regarding Johnson Valley with Congressman Hunter

    Off-road meeting

    Congressman Hunter will be hosting a meeting regarding the possible loss of Johnson Valley to the Military:

    When: 9 to 11 a.m. March 22.

    Where: Cuyamaca College Student Center, 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon. Conference rooms 1207-1208.

    Issue: Possible Marine base expansion into a Johnson Valley off-road area.

    Sign the roll call HERE

    Here is the article it was taken from:
    SACRAMENTO – California's off-road riders have launched an aggressive campaign to oppose any move by the Marines to annex Johnson Valley, a nationally acclaimed high-desert recreation area on the perimeter of an important military base at Twentynine Palms.

    Advertisement The potential expansion of the battlefield training ground for troops being deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan has sparked a conflict between the traditionally conservative off-road community and the military.
    It also may pressure Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, a former Army Ranger and outspoken advocate for the military, to choose between his loyalties to the Marine Corps and to longtime off-road allies alarmed over shrinking legal places to ride.

    “We're pretty devastated,” said Ed Stovin, president of the San Diego Off-Road Coalition. “It's hard to fight national security when you're at war, but you sure hate to lose the area.”

    Stovin said he hopes the off-road community can work with Hunter on a compromise, perhaps pushing the Marines to consider taking land not used for off-roading. “He's a good friend of ours,” Stovin said.

    Hunter has not taken sides, said Joe Kasper, a spokesman. “Congressman Hunter supports both the interests of the off-roading community and the potential expansion of the facility to better simulate and prepare our Marines for conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Kasper said.

    Hunter plans to address the issue at a meeting with off-road enthusiasts March 22.

    Off-roading is a booming sport, with nearly 1 million vehicles registered in California to take to the terrain. About 4 million people ride in state parks set aside for that use, and countless others use federal land.

    Off-road advocates say they are squeezed for space by urban demand and environmental-based restrictions.

    Off-road meeting
    When: 9 to 11 a.m. March 22.

    Where: Cuyamaca College Student Center, 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon. Conference rooms 1207-1208.

    Issue: Possible Marine base expansion into a Johnson Valley off-road area.

    Growing more alarmed as word spread of the possible land requisition by the Marines, off-roaders this week mounted a four-hour “virtual rally” over the Internet in a show of solidarity. By their count, there were 1,495 messages posted and 33,976 page views within four hours.

    Many posts carried a common theme: admiration for troops, hopes that they return home safely and support for the military – but near-unanimous opposition to turning the valley over to the Marines.

    “The Marine Corps has a need, but the off-road community also has needs and rights to enjoy and recreate in this well-established off-highway vehicle area,” Philip Hall of National City wrote.

    “If this land were unused and dormant, it would be a different situation all together,” Hall's post continued. “But Johnson Valley OHV area already has a purpose and is owned by thousands of tax-paying citizens like myself who are not willing to sacrifice such a pristine locale to be turned into a practice war ground.”

    The Marine Corps has issued a statement confirming that it is looking to expand training facilities, but it says no decision has been reached and urges patience.

    “This process of simply figuring out what land the base might actually need to meet the Marine Corps training requirements and how it affects other interests could take anywhere from three to five years,” said Jim Ricker, assistant chief of staff at the Twentynine Palms base.

    The statement continued: “It is imperative that the Marines receive the most realistic training before deploying into a combat environment that demands split second life or death decisions.”

    The 140,000-acre off-highway vehicle area, located southeast of Barstow in San Bernardino County, also is home to the federally protected desert tortoise, a fact that could provoke strident opposition from environmentalists.

    Protecting the tortoise was a key issue when the Army expanded training facilities near Fort Irwin a few years ago.

    Johnson Valley is under the supervision of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Mike Pool, California's BLM director, is expected to attend Hunter's March 22 meeting with off-road enthusiasts.

    John Dearing, a BLM spokesman, said the military followed a regular process before taking other federal lands.

    “We have not yet received an application from the Marines,” said Dearing, referring specific questions about Johnson Valley to the military.

    The Marine Corps said it plans to prepare an environmental review of alternatives once a decision is made. It promises full disclosure and public participation.

    Johnson Valley is nationally known as “the Hammers” – one of the best four-wheeling, boulder-hopping areas in the country, off-roaders say.

    The off-roading mecca draws thousands every year to numerous organized events, including rock-racing, rock-crawling and a “King of the Hammers” championship each February. The area's landscape is dotted with Joshua trees, steep red-rock mountains and sandy washes.

    Losing the Hammers, one Internet posting read, “would be like baseball losing Wrigley Field or golf losing Augusta.”

    Last edited by JeepGal; 03-14-08, 11:50 AM.
    2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
    Rock-ItMan all the way around

  • #2
    Thanks Tam. I won't be here; I hope lots of us go to this meeting.

    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
    [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...[/CENTER]


    • #3
      Hopefully we can take a break from the CAGE INSTALL to go down and let our point be heard! We'll talk!
      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


      • #4
        I will be on the road traveling back from Tucson but I don't think I could make it in time. Although I've never been to Johnson Valley (yet) I know this is a very, very, most important issue. This kind of thing can happen anywhere anytime.

        Tam, thanks for posting the info., Tom


        • #5
          Okay, I sent the following to my Congressman Jerry Lewis. maybe you all should send a letter to your Representitaves also:

          Dear Congressman Lewis,

          First, I want to thank you for your continued support of the conservative issues. I have never hesitated to vote for you over all these years.

          Like you, I am a big supporter of our military; however, I am very concerned with the Marine Corps possibly expanding into the Johnson Valley Off-Road Recreation Area for the following reasons:
          1. Johnson Valley has tens of thousands of visitors a year for recreation and escaping the pressures of urban life.
          2. Johnson Valley is home to many archeological, geological, and historical sites that would be forever blocked from enjoyment by the public.
          3. The public is getting squeezed for space by urban demand and environmental-based restrictions. There are less and less areas we can freely travel in. It seems each year there are less and less “Public Lands”.
          4. This area would put increased noise and dust within the community of Lucerne Valley.
          5. Even though it is a minor point, the Johnson Valley Off-road area does help the economy of Lucerne Valley, one of the poorest communities in your district.

          The Marine Corps is also looking at land north and east of 29 Palms also. Those areas seem like they would have less impact than Johnson Valley. In addition, couldn’t the Marines utilize the huge area of land at China Lake for training?
          The off-roading community is generally law abiding conservative folks who also are strong supporters of the military and conservative Congressmen such as you. I am asking you to please take up the cause of preserving Johnson Valley for public use and work with the Marine Corps to find an alternative to meet their needs as well as the needs of the public.

          Thank you.
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
          MJR moderator
          MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
          Jeep Patrol Leader
          Reforestation Supervisor
          Licensed Ham - n6ujm
          Eagle Scout


          • #6

            It looks like you addressed the important points. I don't know if you saw my response to the San Diego link but check this out.

            *NAWS (Naval Air Weapons Station) China Lake property has an area exceeding 1,000,000 acres (Yes 1 Million + acres) and contains several mine areas, areas of geothermal sites including fumaroles (mud pots), and 2 of the largest petroglyph canyons in the country.
            *NTC (National Training Center) Fort Irwin property has an area now exceeding 1000 square miles after the latest grab of additional public land (That WE all lost). This now blocks access to more historical areas like Goldstone (Ghost town and mining area). Plus the latest public land grab cut off several trails that are listed in our trail books (Remember the Star Bright Mine trip?)
            *USMC Base 29 Palms currently has an area of almost 1000 square miles. Of the 3 proposed plans that I saw, we could lose up to 140,000 more acres of public land. One proposal brought the new boundry to Camp Rock Road on the west. That would really suck. 10 historical areas, 12 mining areas, 6 dry lake areas, 1 major petroglyph area and miles of trails and camping areas all without access.

            I will help this cause anyway that I can.


            • #7
              Great Mitch! or should I say Great 88 Mitch?

              Please send a post to Congressman Lewis also. I believe he's your rep also. Same goes for the rest of us living in the desert east of I-15.
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
              MJR moderator
              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
              Jeep Patrol Leader
              Reforestation Supervisor
              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
              Eagle Scout


              • #8
                I just posted a message to Congressman Lewis. I will be in Johnson Valley the next few days and was shocked to hear the news. We all should take a few minutes to contact our Congressmen and get as politically active as possible to preserve our public lands for our hobby.
                Never the last trail!:cactus:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DirtBall89 View Post
                  I just posted a message to Congressman Lewis. I will be in Johnson Valley the next few days and was shocked to hear the news. We all should take a few minutes to contact our Congressmen and get as politically active as possible to preserve our public lands for our hobby.
                  Thanks Jim,

                  We have to stay on top of this. Have you heard about the two windmill farms proposed? One is in the area between Apple & Lucerne Valleys and the other looks like it is North Lucerne? They're killin' us.
                  SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                  MJR moderator
                  MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                  Jeep Patrol Leader
                  Reforestation Supervisor
                  Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                  Eagle Scout


                  • #10
                    I spoke to someone at Congressman Hunter's office this morning and he confirmed that the JV issue will be addressed at the meeting, although not on the calendar at first.
                    [COLOR="Blue"]If you don't have the time to do it right, what makes you think you'll have the time to do it twice?[/COLOR]


                    • #11
                      I'm going to try to be there, dress nice (no greasy clothes anyway) and keep a positive attitude. I'd recommend waiting until the forum opens for questions to bring up JV. Wouldn't want to seem rude.

                      If only MJR had a polo shirt in the shop.

                      also...BTT's THIS SATURDAY gang.
                      [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                      Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                      • #12
                        I have been to JV once and at some point would love to go back. I will be out of town this weekend so I will not be able to attend the meeting. Instead of doing nothing, I've penned a letter to my representative in support of the JV users.


                        • #13
                          Does anyone know how to edit quicktime movies? I know you have to have some special program...

                          Reason, I was planning to video tape as much as I can of the meeting, and we could edit the important Offroad stuff into a post in order to get first hand information out to the masses. Not just JV, but SD county stuff as well.
                          [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                          Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                            Does anyone know how to edit quicktime movies? I know you have to have some special program...
                            It's not a special program; you just purchase an unlock code to upgrade from Quicktime Player to Quicktime Pro. It costs $29.99 and you can purchase it online from
                            Once you've installed the upgrade, you can cut and paste from one movie to another, and you can save the video in several different video formats such as .MOV, MPEG, .WAV
                            If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                            • #15
                              Just found this post on Pirate:


                              I got some good news, and some not so good news.

                              I just spoke to another member who's much more familiar with this upcoming event who works in Congressman Hunter's office. He mentioned that the agenda is mainly for San Diego Offroading issues and that it has been mis-reported on accident that the townhall was for the Johnson Valley OHV/29 Palms expansion plan.

                              However, he said that if/when the JV/29 Palms issue is brought up, Congressman Hunter will address it and he will try to formulate a course of action. Mr. Hunter has a reputation of supporting the offroad community and I'm hopefull that this event will continue to build upon that reputation.

                              Basically, not on the "scheduled agenda", however, come on out and bring up the issue, so we can discuss it and see what we can do.

                              Sorry for the somewhat misinformation earlier. Some of the staff isn't as well informed. You can shoot me later.

                              Here's the link if you wanna read yourself:

