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Last Minute to Lake Isabella


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  • Last Minute to Lake Isabella

    Lake Isabella - Part One


    Okay, talk about last minute... I was planning to work both Saturday and Sunday this weekend and have been planning this for two weeks. At 12:30 on Friday, the decision is made to wait one more weekend. I suddenly have two days with nothing scheduled. So I contact Schmo and Rat Patrol to see if Sharon and I could join them on the "Last Minute" run to Lake Isabella!

    We met in the town of Lake Isabella on Saturday Morning. We got gas and headed up the Kern River to the Sherman Pass Road. The drive to the trailhead was beautiful. It's worth the drive even if you don't go on the trail!

    The Trail starts as a long ridge climb. The area burned in 2002 or 2003 and has still not recovered from this. Even so, the mountains still hold their beauty even in the bleak forest:

    The climb is steep in places and long:

    This is a 16.5 mile trail and the only folks that we encountered were a couple of Toyota Pickups coming down the initial climb that we were going up. In trying to pass each other, one of the trucks got off into deep, soft dirt and couldn't get out. All attempts caused him to slide further down the mountain. We quickly got him strapped and pulled back onto the trail:

    We evenually got to a gentler climb. Kurt found a log to play on beside the trail:

    Eventually, we got to the edge of the burned area:

    Soon into the unburned forest, we found a side trail to the top of Sherman Peak. We climbed to 9900 feet and along the way we found SNOW! This was just a small spot, I hope Rat Patrol has pics of the large areas that we found and drove through:

    The views from the top of Sherman Peak were wonderful. This is just one:

    It was bitter cold on top of the peak, so after signing the Geo Cache that we accidently found at the peak, we headed back down to North Meadow to have lunch. The meadow was beautifully forested:

    We followed the trail through some tight spots through the trees and found a few rock crawling areas. The best was a rocky hill that we went down one way and then climbed back up another. Rat Patrol found out that the ground was loose and soft beneath the rocks:

    We came back down the hill and wandered through a fantastic forest:

    All-in-all, Sherman Pass is not that difficult of a trail. But it is a beautiful, long trail through some very scenic areas. If our trip was any example, it is not traveled heavily. I truly look forward to the next time that I can drive this trail!

    Additionally, it was a true relief to see this sign on the way to the trail:

    I haven't seen one of those in a LONG time. The coolest part of finding that sign is that it meant that we could have a campfire in our camp that night!

    Joe found a great camp site on the way back down from the trail. The entrance to the camp had a forbidding look to it:

    But the site was awesome! It had a stream next to it:

    ...and it had a nice fire ring already set up:

    So that plus the Low to Moderate fire Danger rating in the area, equaled a CAMPFIRE in the camp that night (a REAL treat in the Southern California area right now!):

    All of my photos for Sherman Pass can be seen at this link:

    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

  • #2
    Lake Isabella - Part Two

    Freeway Ridge

    After breaking camp on Sunday, we drove back down to Lake Isabella and hit the 178 in search of the Freeway Ridge Trail. We found it with a fence closed across the entrance. The gate was not locked and as we found out, it is only kept closed to keep the free range cattle out of the freeway. Once though the gate, the entrance to the trail is well marked:

    The climb up the ridge is quick and steep. After a few switchbacks, you come to the first real obstacle on the trail:

    The obstacle is not too hard, but the consequences of a bad line could be fatal. The trail is a shelf road at this point, and the views are stunning:

    Further up the slope, Rat Patrol finds a great rock face to climb:

    Although there is a by-pass for this, none of us took it. The rest of the climb has a variety of features, but the steep climbs are the ones that keep your attention:

    The trail goes from tough to easy in the first leg. Once the trail joins the Rancheria Road it becomes very easy. But once you pass through Evans Flat Campground, things change quickly. The trail is very tight, but the passage through the pine forest is enchanting. The photo doesn't give it justice, but the trail is very close on all sides. It is just barely wide enough for a Jeep:

    The trail suddenly grabs you by becoming a steep drop off through soft, sandy terrain. This hill pretty much commits you to the rest of the downhill run:

    This was just the first of many soft sand descents on this trail. In retrospect, it was the easiest. The steepest looked like this through the windshield:

    Photos never give it justice, so trust me when I tell you it was steep!

    Even as spooky as some of the spots were, all along the trail we were constently distracted by the incredible views:

    Throughout this entire day, we did not meet another Jeep on the trail. It felt like we had the whole montain range to ourselves.

    Once we got back down off the ridge, we took an easy trail back toward Lake Isabella. There was a side trail that lead down to a ford across the Kern River. Clearly, this ford can only be crossed in a low rain year like this one. The water marks on the rocks were higher than our Jeeps! But since the river was low, Rat Patrol attempted to cross it. He made it and this is what his return trip looked like:

    Afterward, we wandered back toward the Lake. Even at the end of the trail, on paved road, the views continued to enchant us:

    It was a lot of travelling but well worth the adventure. Both Freeway Ridge and Sherman Pass are most definitely worth a look.

    All of our Freeway Ridge photos can be seen at this link:

    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


    • #3
      Very cool pictures I really like that forest FEEL..looks like a sweet trail...alot of fun to keep your camera handy..Thanks for the pic,s...Geeb
      "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


      • #4
        Another great trip report with fantastic pics. Thanks for sharing!
        Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


        • #5
          Wow, Great pics and report. Looks like a great trip.
          Check out .


          • #6
            "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
            (Charles Wells)


            • #7
              More pics of the "snow run"...

              Not much more I can say about this trip that hasn't been said, so here are some pictures to shmooz, the rest are at Photobucket (link at the end)

              Trail head

              There are web cams all over this tower


              The perfect end to a fantastic day
              Last edited by RAT; 11-05-07, 08:33 AM.
              [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
              [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


              • #8
                Day two

                The first day was bitter cold at altitude (9915' at the top of the peak where the tower is), and only comfortable lower down, and today dawned cold crisp, but as soon as the Sun cleared the ridges it warmed rihgt up. By mid day it was in the 80's. We found the Freeway Ridge trail head and made tracks

                Bigfoot gaurd dog "Turbo" and freind

                The trail head to Freeway Ridge

                This is how to stretch when you wake up in the morning

                The rest of the pics are HERE:
                [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                • #9
                  nice pics, about how long does it take to get there from rancho, i remember going there when i was a kid with my dad...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by xjkevin View Post
                    nice pics, about how long does it take to get there from rancho, i remember going there when i was a kid with my dad...
                    From Rancho to Lake Isabella is a 3 hour drive. Once we got there, the trails that we took were fairly long, so it really is better to do this as a weekend trip if you are coming from my area.

                    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                    • #11
                      What an incredible weekend!!! You couldn't have asked for better company, trails, scenery, weather, you name it . . . I had a blast I wish I had a camara, but damn I don't think between Kurt,Mike, and Sharon a single photo op was missed. I was getting pretty bummed hearing about some of my favorite trails being closed, but this weekend sure lessened the blow. For me, these trails were the perfect blend . . . never really a dull part of the trail as the easier sections were just breath taking and the moderate and difficult sections kept your attention and made things very interesting at times. If I were rating the trail, I would call it moderately difficult based on what I've seen . . . a bit tougher than Miller, but not as tough as John Bull . . . Lot's of rutted, rocky, and/or loose dirt climbs, but I don't recall any real rock gardens like you'd see on Holcomb. We all made it thru both days and a ton of offroad miles without any problems or even bad hang ups. If any of you haven't been up there, I'd totally recommend it and if you are going and don't mind some company, post up a thread as I'd like to get back up there soon . . . Perfect weekend wheeling/camping trip as both trails are rather lengthy and there are a ton of trails out there to explore . . . a bit far for a day trip although Freeway Ridge is really only 2 hours and 15 mins from my house . . . give another 45 to an hour to get to Sherman Pass. Would be a cool place for a big MJR Rally . . . hint, hint!!! Hope to see you all out there some day.

                      Kurt, Mike, and Sharon - Thanks for making it such a great trip, I hope to see you guys agian soon!
                      That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                      • #12
                        Hey Guys,

                        Looks like a great trip! Thanks for the photo's and write up's. A lot of us are way jealous.

