(ed note: this is a very abridged verison of the alert)
After years of partisan wrangling over legislation funding the surface transportation bill (A.K.A. the Highway Bill ), both the House and the Senate have passed alternative versions of HR 3, the reauthorization of the nation's surface transportation programs. The surface transportation program includes the Recreational Trails Program (RTP)!!!
Your Congressional representative needs to hear from you today. It is a matter of simple fairness. You pay taxes for fuel used when you travel on your favorite trails. Those taxes need to be spent you your favorite trails.
Super-Easy 3-Step Instructions for Sending a Personal Email to your Congressional Rep:
Step 1:
Click here:
(Click here for California officials and bypass step 1 and 2)
Step 2:
Enter your zip code, and then click “GO”
Step 3:
Use the information to contact both your Senators (and your Congressman if you wish) to deliver the message below. If you click "email" you can "cut and paste" the message.
Sarah's note: Remember, it's a numbers game! Send out your emails asap! They couldn't have made it any easier on us.
(ed note: this is a very abridged verison of the alert)
After years of partisan wrangling over legislation funding the surface transportation bill (A.K.A. the Highway Bill ), both the House and the Senate have passed alternative versions of HR 3, the reauthorization of the nation's surface transportation programs. The surface transportation program includes the Recreational Trails Program (RTP)!!!
Your Congressional representative needs to hear from you today. It is a matter of simple fairness. You pay taxes for fuel used when you travel on your favorite trails. Those taxes need to be spent you your favorite trails.
Super-Easy 3-Step Instructions for Sending a Personal Email to your Congressional Rep:
Step 1:
Click here:
(Click here for California officials and bypass step 1 and 2)
Step 2:
Enter your zip code, and then click “GO”
Step 3:
Use the information to contact both your Senators (and your Congressman if you wish) to deliver the message below. If you click "email" you can "cut and paste" the message.
Sarah's note: Remember, it's a numbers game! Send out your emails asap! They couldn't have made it any easier on us.

IMPORTANT: Enter "Fairness with RTP funds in ISTEA" the "Subject" field!
Dear Senator,
I am an avid OHV enthusiast who pays taxes on fuel used on recreational trails. I am contacting you to ask that you ensure that the House-passed funding level for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is included in the HR 3 conference report for the final version of HR 3.
RTP is a proven success, leveraging federal funds with volunteer labor, state trails funding generated through registration fees and gas taxes and private funds. The program relies on user fees paid by recreationists like me. However, under the current RTP, and under the Senate-passed version of HR 3, recreational trail users are unfair "donors" to other transportation programs, receiving just 18% of the taxes paid. Adopting the House-passed funding levels in the final bill will address this unfairness.
Please ensure that the final version of HR 3 includes the House-passed funding for the RTP program. This is a very important issue to me and I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Yours truly,
[Your name]
[Your address]
Dear Senator,
I am an avid OHV enthusiast who pays taxes on fuel used on recreational trails. I am contacting you to ask that you ensure that the House-passed funding level for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is included in the HR 3 conference report for the final version of HR 3.
RTP is a proven success, leveraging federal funds with volunteer labor, state trails funding generated through registration fees and gas taxes and private funds. The program relies on user fees paid by recreationists like me. However, under the current RTP, and under the Senate-passed version of HR 3, recreational trail users are unfair "donors" to other transportation programs, receiving just 18% of the taxes paid. Adopting the House-passed funding levels in the final bill will address this unfairness.
Please ensure that the final version of HR 3 includes the House-passed funding for the RTP program. This is a very important issue to me and I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Yours truly,
[Your name]
[Your address]