Well I decided to start on my Project XJ and we decided to name it Project SPV "special play vehicle" haha anyways we started off buy going to WALMART haha got about 20 cans of Almond "desert tan" got 20 cans of primer 10 cans of flat black got some basic sealer. We started Sat night around 1 am haha I sanded down the rims and put a thin layer of primer then Sprayed Flat Black on um Next we started sanding on the hood. We removed the hood for easier access and finished it up at around 4 am. Check out the pics. They are Before/After shots.
NOTE TO ALL..... THIS IS MY TOY lol I dont give what happens to this XJ lol i bought it for 600 bux with the tires lol I am gonna make it into a rock/mud buggy only lol so dont think im some idiot thats gonna roll around town in this haha

IT GOT SO FUMEY we had to open the Garage door

NOTE TO ALL..... THIS IS MY TOY lol I dont give what happens to this XJ lol i bought it for 600 bux with the tires lol I am gonna make it into a rock/mud buggy only lol so dont think im some idiot thats gonna roll around town in this haha

IT GOT SO FUMEY we had to open the Garage door
