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I like an XJ now...never been too keen to the Grand Cherokees. WAAAYYY too big in my opinion...but that's just me. They are more than capable, no doubt...I just don't like em. Speaking of which...I'm thinking of getting an XJ. A black one, '99 limited, that's only got like 215x75r15's right now...but i'ma fix that if I get it. 235's baby! woot, a whole 2 inches more! It's got the spoke lookin' rims. But those will come off, and I WILL run a five spoke chrome wheel!
...that's if I get it. AND IF I GET IT...I'm Naming It Lafonda...Shaniqua gave me the idea...
WTF Mate?
Confucious Say: He who stand on toilet...is high on pot.
I hate those stick figure family stickers HAHA. The got groceries might be cool though... lol Thanks actually im desigining one right now, ill let you know when its done and see what you can do with it.
Nothing! Found it on craigslist. The dude was moving back to the midwest and needed to get rid of it. He even took me to get it smogged and payed for it before i bought it! Theres some deals out there, just got to be on top of craigs and you'll find them.
HAHA Matermomma.... nice.