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Ya know after a day of playing in the rocks we went to Table Mountain to set up a night run. We got to almost Carrizo Gorge around sunset and after cresting a mountain Steve snagged this photo late in the day. This makes wheeling so much better!
Sweet pic, the other day i was wheeing 1N09 (off the 330) and three deer ran out infront of me, scary cause i thought i was going to hit them but pretty cool to see up close. They run REALLY fast...
Beautiful! I love seeing wild life while out wheeling. I see a lot of deer around my house almost every day! great pic!
For us riding in the desert the wild life can hear ya comin miles off..... so to get a picture like that is ....well .... priceless. As 'Bumper Cowboy' puts it, 'worth it all'
Good shot Steve, Thanks for sharing Vern, very cool.
That is the one advantage to the mountain bike. The wild life does not hear you coming.
"If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any further....it only gets worse".
(Charles Wells)