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Back to Wonderboy's question though... I'm pretty sure that it's illegal here in Cali to mount a fuel tank external to the body/frame. Much like the Ford Pinto reference, you'd have a high risk of catching yourself on fire in a simple 'rear-end' tap. My Jeep, (the '74 CJ) has the body design that still includes an 'under the driver's seat' fuel cell. I've fiddled with the idea of putting a fuel cell under there and using it as a reserve fuel cell, but with as many of these rigs that go upside down I'm sorta leery of that. Carrying jerry-cans is the simplest and most optimal solution IMHO. Also, you can easily lend the extra fuel to someone else without having to do the ole 'swig-an-spit' with a hose.
My :2:
[COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]
I got the idea from a Friend of mine. I buy them 3-4 at a time from Camping World, they deteriorate in the sunlight. That part of the rack is notched, I only have one of my two cans set up with the spigot.
Very useful to wash hands, face after a dusty trail!
ever thought of using a steel/bronze one from a hardware store? Wouldn't it work? I'm interested in getting my hands on a few of the old-school metal jerry-cans. Lemme know if you find some laying around!
[COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]
ever thought of using a steel/bronze one from a hardware store? Wouldn't it work? I'm interested in getting my hands on a few of the old-school metal jerry-cans. Lemme know if you find some laying around!
Considered it Nick, just been way too busy to even look. I prefer the newer NATO cans like I have now - they just don't leak - period.
Last set of Blitz cans I had we used as 1000yd targets
You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!