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Has anyone boar hunted Tejon Ranch? I'd like to hear your thoughts. I'm thinking about the Feburary pig-o-rama. :gun:
is this the one up by paso robles?
if so, i have. they have all sorts of animals to hunt there. a bit too easy though. they had rams, boar, and many other exotic animals.
blm hunting in san louis obispo is more challenging, as is blm by a military base. i cant remember what the name of this base is. i'll post up when my head clears.
I've hunted at Tejon several time. I haven't been on their open hunts, but I have heard good responces from others. It's a great area to hunt. Lots of brush and heavy tree canopies. You'll see plenty of deer and RM elk while you hunt. They even have pronghorn on parts of the ranch. I pistol hunt. This is a picture of Shari's first, and so far only big game hunt.