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If this comes with the rubicon package, I might be tempted to sell my TJ!
2001 Yellow TJ - Full Traction 4" Short Arm - 4X Dr. Rocker Guards w/ scrapes - Kargo Master Rack - Dana 44 with ARB and Dana 30 w/Ox (4.56)
is it my imagination, or is that an undercarpet storage area in the trunk?
2001 Yellow TJ - Full Traction 4" Short Arm - 4X Dr. Rocker Guards w/ scrapes - Kargo Master Rack - Dana 44 with ARB and Dana 30 w/Ox (4.56)
is it my imagination, or is that an undercarpet storage area in the trunk?
Correct. The gas tank is moved to the pass. side under the floor (IIRC).
I really like the look of the 2 door version, this 4 door thing is kinda funky. I guess they have to keep doing something to keep the public interested or the model will die.
seems this is just one more of the auto makers taking 2 door vehicles and making 4 doors out of them. I. E.: dodge charger, chrysler 300series,are only 2 of the ones DC has done it to. I guess to keeo the public intrest in these vehicles they need to put more utility into them. I can say that in a vehicle that can carry 4 peopl that 4 doors is nice but find little use for a UNIVERSAL as a daily driver. The unlimited fit the bill nicely, this I feel is a watering down of the breed.
My humble opinion only.
Looks like IFS to me too ... I don't see a pumkin up front and I highly doubt it's got portals. If it's solid up front, I like it. Otherwise, I don't like it.
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
with a wife, two kids and two dogs, the extra room and extra doors will be a welcome addition. If this thing is IFS, that is enough for me to say no. If this thing comes with a SFA and the rubicon package... I will buy it. Just not having to load everything up on the roof for a camping trip is enough for me.
2001 Yellow TJ - Full Traction 4" Short Arm - 4X Dr. Rocker Guards w/ scrapes - Kargo Master Rack - Dana 44 with ARB and Dana 30 w/Ox (4.56)
yes, there is a axle under it....although it is wider than the previous years...and the rubicon package includes a high pinion version of the dana 44, with 32 spline shafts (at least that is what the initial info was....there is another thread on the subject floating around here somewhere)....I'd like to take one out and see how well it does....