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School (UTI) is looking for broken engine stuff- bent rods, cracked heads, messed up pistons, etc. They use is as "education by destruction" Anyone local - So Cal - got any stuff like that they wanna get rid of? Let me know....
The shop I do my work on the Jeep here on the base usually has parts lying around taken from various vehicles being worked on. I recently discarded my clutch etc. there. I will check there tomorrow to see what they have lying around, and get back to ya.
[COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]
I might be able to get some different part for you my bro own his own auto repair shop I will check to see if he has any laying around that he needs to get rid of . who would be able to pick the items ? I will check back hear later , his shop is in victorville