I will remember you think that next time I check up how much money my HD stock is making me.
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To HOG or not to Hog
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I have an uncle worth 2.5Mil, he rides a harley,with all his rich friends to boot so its not all "poor" dudes, any who comparing A sport bike to a hog is like comparing a Driving a Jeep and a Supra, they are 2 different things with different purposes. I had a 600RR when they first came out and my buddy who I had a place with at the time had a Fat Boy HD, Half the time we were on each others bikes, and its 2 different worlds, For just cruising around town the Hog is alot of fun, not to mention if you have a wife or a girl friend she would probably be happier on the back of the harley. But man I do miss the mountain carving on the 600RRLocked up fourbanger (Poor Mans Rubicon)
Originally posted by blackZZRBlah, blah, blah. Like I care how rich you are.
once again, I said, I notice that people trailer their harleys to sturgis
they sell them as 4 years old with less than 10 thousand miles on them
the demiograghics posted by harley is that the owners are medium age of over 45
the have 58 ponies stock
and that jap bikes get the piss riden out of them
do not break down much
usually have triple digit HP ratings
are made of MODERN alloys and the one you buy tomorow will probably have been designed in the last 5 years
I fell that harley is a very intellegent company, they are selling mid 1900s technology for twice what the competition is selling 2000 era technology, and making millions off of Harley licensed merchandise that everyone is trying to out wear each other with, I would never wish it to change, I hold over 20 grand of Harley stock and it pays a nice premium each year.
but their bikes are peices of S--t and for some reason everyuone who WANTS to GET NOTICED buys one.
I do not need to get noticed
PS that bikeyou claim I drive is a Beemer, nice ride, I own a ZZR, Look in my gallery and you will see it
Then you state a bunch of ignorant stereotyping B.S.
Replace every instance of Harley in every one of you posts with TJ and then replace every instance of Kawasaki with Land Rover and you get the exact same thing. Only difference is that the TJs demographic is probably college girls instead of middle aged men (actually, who cares what the demographic is, but hopefully someone with get this point).
You sound like the eco nazis that claim that everyone that owns a Jeep is destroying the enviorment. You take what little you have seen, ignoring anything that goes against your belief and then expand that to cover everything, without exception, as the truth so you can feel good about whatever is it you are trying to do by bad mouthing Haleys and everyone that rides one.
And who gives a rats arse about demographics. I don't care what the demographics on my XJ or my YJ are. I use them the way I want to, not the way some statistic says I will.
BTW I know of at least one person that has owned motorcycles most of his life and puts thousands of miles on them every year. He currently owns a Harley. Yes, he is in his 50's but he doesn't ride to a bar and talk about chrome. If you want I can ask him for a picture of his odometer.
See that previous paragraph? It states something that I know about 1 person, not every Harley rider, and I have offered proof.
P.S. Hi everyone, this is my first post
Down boy. We all know that BlackZZr is a bit opinionated and take it with a grain of salt(love ya Jim!)
Welcome to the forum, as you get to know people better...you'll understand...hehehehe.
Tam2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
Rock-ItMan all the way around
Originally posted by blackZZRPS that bikeyou claim I drive is a Beemer, nice ride, I own a ZZR, Look in my gallery and you will see itI got your jeep thing, now it burns when I pee
Sorry Jeeping mis read that, hope you noticed I like the Beemer. I do not know what a civic type R is however. Yea I may be a bit opinionized about the Hog, but usually when it gets out that I have A 81 sturgis I get a big ribbing for that, bought it brand new in 81 and have it pretty much pickleld.
I also will listen to anyone who has something to say. my next bike will be a motoguzzi, and that will really get everyone talking about me.
Stereotyping, yes that is true. After all that is part of life, Look at us, we are 4xers, a bunch of drunken over aged idiots who go out and tear up the national treasures by riding all over them without a care for our earth. However with the exception of a few, most 4xers work hard to promote our sport et al. It takes the actions of one drunken professional offroad driver in a large event to ruin it for the rest of us.
One pass by a idiot at Terra Del Sol, and we are now seeing the reverberations on tree hugger websites that are using it to prove the stereo type. And the orginazation behind him passes out a Token punishment.
atleast to my benefit my origonal post states I know what I said would piss some people off.
PS Tam, you have my full permission to erase anything I say anytome you want if it is out of line.censored for having an opinion
Originally posted by blackZZRPS Tam, you have my full permission to erase anything I say anytome you want if it is out of line.
Originally posted by blackZZRGet a real Bike, Like a 1200 cc Kawasaki. (shameless plug for his Kawasaki ZZR) and ride 200 miles plus a day, get off with a smile on your face, find out what realiblity is, and enjoy a bike designed since 1938.
triple digit horsepower instead of 58 paltry ponies.
I do not mean to offend anyone with this post, but I have
My Hayabusa will kick your 12's ass any day, any time and on any road!!!
200 miles a day - Dude - I've put more miles on a bike in a day than you could dream of. Ever hear of the iron butt association - Do that one!
Last edited by Cetrov; 04-01-05, 11:10 PM.Kirk
1997 Jeep Wrangler