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Ok, it's getting time to buy a trailer, new or used. Where (close to AZ) & what type did you get to trailer your TJ? What type of price am I looking at? Thanks for the help...
'04 Solar Yellow AEV HEMI Rubicon
'05 M3 ZCP SG/IR
There are a couple places down south here......Big Tex and Carson. Both make good trailers (if you want new). Be sure it has trailer brakes. If you want used, watch the papers. I see them for ~$1100 almost every week (used).
So your getting a trailer....you gonna get out in the rocks???
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!
So your getting a trailer....you gonna get out in the rocks???
It is gonna be the trailer we use to tow the TJ when we go off-roading, yes. But right now, it is need to tow the Jeep back east (MA/RI area) when we move back there in a couple of months.
'04 Solar Yellow AEV HEMI Rubicon
'05 M3 ZCP SG/IR
It is gonna be the trailer we use to tow the TJ when we go off-roading, yes. But right now, it is need to tow the Jeep back east (MA/RI area) when we move back there in a couple of months.
I would look for a good deal on a used one. I bought a heavy duty 12,000 lb trailer for $1000 bucks. Most of the newer car haulers are only rated at 7500 pounds and run close to $1500 bucks.
00 TJ ON 37'S SOLD
97zj ON 36'S SOLD
We moved out here so I could go to Automotive school & was hoping that we'd like it out here, but we've found it (outside of off-roading) not a place we like too much. My fiance' misses her family back in MA & all my friends live in MA/RI/NJ area anyway. I finish school on Feb. 18th & the house goes to market this weekend.
'04 Solar Yellow AEV HEMI Rubicon
'05 M3 ZCP SG/IR